Family Update

September 2012 Update

A lot happened this month but it seems like a blur, really. My mom was here at the beginning of the month and I wrapped up yet another consignment sale with Encores North. I’m telling you, consignment is the way to go for buying and selling kids items. I’ve never been disappointed. I’ve also never actually paid money for my child’s clothes. I just take the money I earn from one sale and use it to buy her next season’s wardrobe. It’s awesome!

Another doula baby was born this month and I booked two more clients. I am really loving birth work. On Labor Day I actually got to check an item off my bucket list by attending a rally for something I believe in. This was the National Rally for Change and it focused on evidence-based care for birth. I also got to attend a rebozo workshop and an intro to herbs class. Just today, I ordered my training materials to become a HypnoDoula. I’m very excited to be networking with other Nashville doulas and continuing to learn and deepen my skills.

My “day job” has been keeping me VERY busy. Hence the reason why this month has been such a blur. It’s conference time again and the last few weeks I have worked a crazy amount of hours helping us to get ready for this event. I leave on Saturday for Palm Beach, FL and will be gone for 10 days. Trust me, it’s not as glamorous as it seems. I basically look at the inside of an exhibit hall for 12 hours a day. Ok, it’s a little bit of fun to travel to such a beautiful place but I’ll be glad to get back home and have a chance to catch up on my life. So many things fall to the wayside once we get about 4 weeks out from a conference.

Mike was also promoted at Bass Pro this month. He is now the Team Lead for the boating department. He was very excited to reach his goal of this promotion within his first year of employment with the company. I’m very proud of him! His high school friend Jon has also visited a few times and decided to move to Nashville. I’ll give you one guess where he’s gonna be working. Yep, at Bass Pro in the adjacent Marine department. And his apartment? Yep, in Donelson. Those two are pleased as punch.

tLG is doing well. Granted, her teeth are falling out at an unprecedented rate. She’s lost 6 already. 3 on top and 3 on bottom. As sad as I was that she is loosing her teeth so quickly, that toothless grin gets me every time. I absolutely love it!

She got to participate in making a little bit of history this month by painting our square on the Donelson mural. This was perfect for my little artist and she even got to put her initials on the mural for all of prosperity. We tried to get an all blue square (as this is her color of choice) but she was a little too afraid to go up that high on the scaffolding. Can’t say that I blame her. Anyway, the mural is getting a lot of press. You can read more about it here.

I’m sad to report that summer has officially come to an end. We did our annual visit to the fair, which kind of solidifies the end of the season in my mind. It’s such a bitter sweet outing. I love the fair. The lights, the sounds, the food, and I absolutely adore the smiles on Skylar’s face. This year was no exception and she had a blast! Luckily she was no longer interested in the ferris wheel. I have a suspicion that she’s going to end up being afraid of heights just like her poor mamma. Mike on the other hand lives for heights (ahem, rock climbing). However, she rode every other ride (that they would let her on) multiple times but her favorite thing was going through the fun houses. 🙂 Alas, I will miss my warm days full of sunlight but I enjoy going out with a bang!

We ended the month with another bitter sweet moment due to the passing of our last living grandparent, Memaw. I’m currently in Birmingham attending the funeral. I’m surprisingly not as sad as I thought I would be. I know she’s where she’s supposed to be and I know that I will see her again one day. Will I miss her? Absolutely. I already do but I know that this is just the way it is supposed to be. With that being said, your prayers for me and my family would still be greatly appreciated. Here’s a picture from earlier this year when we celebrated her 83rd birthday.

As always, it means a lot that you stop by to check on our little bunch. We are truly blessed with such wonderful friends and family.

Don’t forget to pop over and check out some more pics from this past month.

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