January 2019 Family Update
Hello, 2019!
I was the only one who stayed awake long enough to ring in the New Year. Dad called at 11 pm and we watched the ball drop in New York on FaceTime and then I watched the Music Note drop on TV in Nashville. As is tradition, we had our New Year’s Day meal at Cracker Barrel. We invited the Gaineys and everyone ate their black-eyed peas and something green. I kept joking that the only reason I won that Lexus last year is because I did all the superstitions on NYD in 2018.
On Wednesday I drove down to Bham to take mom to a couple of doctor’s appointments. Mom now has a home healthcare nurse, which is a HUGE blessing! Ms. Angel really is an angel. She helps mom at home and can also take her to her chemotherapy treatments. I feel much better knowing she has someone there full time! While I was there we celebrated Mimi’s milestone birthday and took the Hempress for her first official car wash.
This year, we drove to Knoxville to celebrate Skylar’s birthday. She and Aunt Marsha share a birthday and our girl has been asking for months if they could celebrate together. So we did and had a wonderful weekend visiting with them. I can’t believe Skylar is 12! I think I say that every year. Here’s her Age 11 video that I put together. For some reason this one made me cry all the tears. I love the unique little personality wrapped up in this kid.
All in all, January was just plain, um, insane. In December I really tried to focus on slowing down and spending time with my family because we had been apart for so long. But that meant that everything I pushed to the side all converged at once at the beginning of the year. Technically I’m still not caught up but I’m getting there. I have about 5 or 6 Virtual Assistant clients that didn’t transition to the new company in the fall and first of the year is always a busy time as I wrap up their accounting and kick off the new year’s projects.
In the midst of all that I’m still working hard with HempWorx and even hit a new rank in the company this month. My team did over $130,000 in sales!!! I’ve been working to create new training and resources for them as well and that hard work is paying off too.
A few weeks ago we also had a film crew here at the BFF and they put together this video about the event in Las Vegas last year. It was a really cool experience and I love the way the video turned out. I’m all about anything that promotes the BFF, of course.
Mike has been super busy at work as well. He just opened the new Hilton in Green Hills, which makes the third property that he’s responsible for. He’s pretty awesome at what he does and has the patience of Job when it comes to managing Millennials. Bless! I’m still so thankful he made the switch to PMC last year and I’m thrilled about the opportunities this is opening up for him. It’s fun to see him excited about work again!
In the midst of the crazy, I did find my Word for 2019 but it’s easier said than done when trying to implement this particular word when you are in the midst of crazy business growth. I’m doing better at setting some boundaries around my time but it’s a work in progress.
Now that I’m back in Nashville, we brought our chickens home as well. They are settling in nicely at the BFF. Despite the stupid cold streak, they are still blessing me with an egg or two every day and I’m thankful! We do have a new fence that we can move easily and that has made a big improvement for keeping them off of our carport, which was quite a nuisance before.
We started back at our co-op this month which has been great! Skylar was a such a trooper over the last 6 months while we were in Birmingham but I can see just how excited she is to get back to her regular activities. She loves all of her classes this semester and I can’t wait to see her acting class perform in the Spring!
Another bit of excitement is that there is a scout troop forming in our area just for girls her age! In fact, New Tribe has agreed to be their charter organization so we are super excited about the location as well. Skylar has been dreaming about this for months and we are so excited that the time is finally here. They had a recruitment event at Charlie Daniels park last weekend and she was in her element. They practiced fire building, cooking, knot tying, and more. She had a blast! The official kick-off for Troop 934 is at our house on February 1st.
I think that’s about it for January. I’m looking forward to February and finally feeling caught up and really starting 2019!

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