Family Update

January 2020 Update

I love the fresh start of a new year and this one seems even more exciting because I just turned 40 and it’s also a new decade!

Skylar turned 13 this month. In some ways, I can’t believe we have a teen and, in other ways, it feels very natural. She’s really an incredible kid and I’m not just being biased. She has quite a few fans. We love her unique personality full of humor and creativity. She is literally the most clever person I know and is always thinking outside of the box (or looking for a loop hole). Even when I’m crazy frustrated with her, she makes me chuckle. We see her pulling away into independence more and more but she also still loves to climb in our bed and snuggle. I treasure those moments!


Skylar has taken up an interest in cooking and she has made us some incredible meals. I hope this is a hobby that sticks! So far this teenager thing is off to a great start. She also started ice skating lessons this month because she’s interested in playing hockey. We will revaluate that interest after she learns to skate but I’m all for her trying and learning new things.

We finally saw Hamilton. We have been looking forward to this for months! We’ve been to the Hamiltunes sing-a-long TWICE. Skylar knows almost every single word to the entire production. The performance at TPAC did not disappoint! The show was absolutely incredible. We were considering traveling to Chicago to see it but lucked out and snagged tickets to the show right here in town. If you have an opportunity to go, I HIGHLY recommend it! If nothing else, listen to the soundtrack. Lin Manuel-Miranda is a genius!


At her troop Court of Honor, she received two rank advancements and three merit badges. Her troop formed last February and she had a goal of achieving First Class Scout within a year. She did it! We are so proud of this accomplishment and are excited to see how much she does in year two. She’s currently planning an overnight backpacking campout for her troop. If you have girls ages 10-18, they are welcome to come and check out a couple of meetings to see if this would be a good fit for them. This is an all-female troop that meets on Tuesday nights at 6:30 pm in Mt. Juliet right off I-40. Skylar has enjoyed it immensely!


Mom passed away on January 15th. She had been surprisingly stable for months but took a sudden turn and passed in just a couple days. I rushed down to Birmingham and was able to spend some lucid moments with her before she went into a deep sleep. It’s no small thing to spend days and nights watching someone and wondering if every breath will be their last. After she died, I felt relief more than anything. I’m so thankful she isn’t here hurting and stuck in bed as she had been for the last year. That isn’t living. It’s just surviving. I know she was anxious to be in heaven and with my brother Ken. She mentioned going “home” a lot the last time she was awake. I miss her, of course. Every time I got in the car I had a habit of calling her on the phone but I can’t do that anymore. I just keep telling myself that I can wait.

My Uncle Bennie passed about a week after Mom so we headed back down to Birmingham to be with my family. It’s just all been so much at once and it’s really made me question and re-evaluate a lot of things. There have been several days where I’ve wavered between being a responsible adult and doing all the things I “should” versus packing a bag for [anywhere] and not coming back for a while but I’m trying to stay the course and do everything in moderation.

Thank you to everyone who has been patient with me as I have needed to be away to grieve for myself and with my family. I hope to be caught up soon but I’m trying to dig my way out of hole. I’m a good 2-3 weeks behind with work. It’s important to me to keep my promises to others and I plan to do all that has been agreed upon.

I think when I look back at my life, the start of this year will be a pivotal one. Some things are definitely about to change around here.

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