Family Update

December 2012 Update

We are winding down the holidays. In fact, tLG is currently in Bama getting spoiled rotten by my parents. I’m cleaning and purging and organizing and doing year-end projects. Yipee! I really do love the start of a new year. But, first, let’s review December.

Let’s see. Noteworthy items in December include Mike’s mom and I putting up 2 bushels of apples into applesauce and apple butter. It was our first time canning and I think we did pretty good. Our recipes have gotten rave reviews from the family taste testers and every jar sealed! I’m anxious to try other things now.

We did a Christmas countdown calendar again this year and our elf, Red Robin was back. Let me tell ya, it’s not all that easy to A) come up with something unique and special for 25 days in a row and B) remember to move that stinking elf every night. There were a lot of 4:30 am moves but we managed to pull it off and I think we made some memories for tLG.

Our other little tradition that we started is still holding on and once again we saw the Nashville Christmas Parade with the Droses followed by a trip to Krispy Kreme. Other holiday outings included a visit to Nashville Children’s Theatre to see Charlie Brown and this year we also did Walk Thru Bethlehem, which was really neat. We visited the Opryland Hotel with Yah Yah and Paw Paw and I also took tLG to TDF for the Two From Galilee production and the Christmas Eve service.

When school let out for winter break and we celebrated by going to Build-A-Bear. Sky made a dog dressed in a karate uniform. She named her Olivia Holt. She’s kind of obsessed smitten with this teen actress and her Disney show Kickin’ It. In fact, the ONLY thing she asked Santa for this year was a “black belt karate suit.” Skylar must have been good this year because Santa did indeed come and delivered one  child-size karate gi (thank you, Ebay!). She wore it for 2 days straight and has been practicing her “moves.” I see karate lessons in her future.

Of note, I enjoy my child SO much better when she’s not in school. She’s like a different person. She’s more enthusiastic and pleasant and creative. I don’t think she is unhappy with school and she is definitely learning and doing well but I can definitely tell that some stress is relieved when she’s not there. Maybe it’s me who’s stressed, who knows, but it is interesting how the dynamic at home changes. Reminds me of summer. 🙂

We are also the proud (ahem) new owners of 4 goldfish. When Skylar’s teacher asked us to take them, I thought it was just for the holiday break but it appears they are all done with their unit study and the fish are ours to keep. Mike and I did a quick Google search and it appears the average goldfish can live up to 20 years. The pet store confirmed this right before they sent me out the door with an entire tank set and instructions for monthly maintenance. Lovely.
Christmas came and went very uneventfully, which was kind of nice. Usually we are rushing around like crazy for the few days leading up to and after the big day. We had a very laid-back holiday and while it was a new feeling without all the hussle and bussle, I rather enjoyed it!

I spent New Year’s Eve assisting a lovely couple as they welcomed their baby to the world and then Mike and I spent the evening hanging out with our favorite neighbors. We even stayed up late enough to see the ball drop. Be impressed.

I hope that everyone had as wonderful of a December as we did. For more pictures, click here.

Happy New Year!

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