Family Update

2012 Year In Review

Here’s a little look-see at my favorite moments and memories of the past year.

I remember the fresh start of the new year. Oh how exciting it was to put some bad things behind and move on to good stuff.

I remember registering for doula training and being beyond thrilled to get started. I remember the birth high I experienced after my Leap Day homebirth baby, and the happy emotional roller coaster I was on after my VBAC baby. Those 1st two were super special. Birth is truly a passion for me and I am so thankful for the certification which equipped me for this work.

I remember seeing my name in print on the byline of a magazine for the 1st time.

I remember that Skylar lost EIGHT teeth this year. She can’t stand a wiggly tooth and prefers to pull her own.

I remember a few parenting fails from this year; times when I wasn’t patient enough, lost my temper, said things I regret, and dug my heels in when I shouldn’t have. I also remember that four little words (“you are so beautiful”) turned around a bad night. There was a moment late in the year when I made my mind up to be the adult in this relationship, let the little things go, mind my words, and stay peaceful. It’s amazing how much Skylar’s behavior improved after mine did. Win-Win!

I remember a particular 4-wheeler ride at the Circle S Ranch, where the sky was perfectly blue, the trees were magnificently green, and the field was 100% covered in yellow flowers. It was breathtaking.

I remember my 1st conference in San Diego. It was neat to see everything finally come together and for my work to be appreciated.

I remember the sweet day when our two favorite neighbors finally tied the knot. We had watched their relationship grow starting with the Nashville flood. Skylar was a bell ringer. Mike played in the band. I was just delighted to be there.

I remember Skylar getting her first trophy at the gymnastics spring fling. It was a proud moment in her little world.

I remember when she brought home her first written story and illustration about tigers. It didn’t seem possible that she should be doing these things in PreK and I was beyond proud of her work.

I remember the excitement that came for me as I dressed up the car on the last day of school and Mike said I was “oozing summer happiness.” The arrival of summer meant late bedtimes and lazy mornings. Skylar also miraculously learned to sleep past 7 a.m. this summer, which was a wonderful surprise!

I remember Mike taking Skylar fishing and how much she loved it. He even tried to sneak out early one morning at 4 a.m. but she was up and dressed and waiting on him. 🙂

I remember a visit to the observatory and getting to see Saturn for real.

I remember summer visits to the lake and getting our favorite shady spot. I also remember Skylar falling asleep in the shopping cart on our grocery runs afterwards.

I will never forget our 1st annual summer solstice party. Skylar helped me plan for months and we so looked forward to it. The floating lanterns were definitely the highlight along with Skylar telling me “this was the best day of my life.”

I remember that Mike developed a love for climbing and a hobby that has stuck, which is a miracle in itself but perfect for him in so many ways.

I remember how Skylar adored the baby kittens at the barn. She gently snuggled them and talked about them and even dreamed about them.

I remember piecing together childcare for the 8 weeks of summer and having a bitter sweet feeling about her going back to school. I didn’t feel sentimental at all about her starting Kindergarten but I was terribly emotional about her loosing her two front teeth. The physical signs of her growing up are sometimes too much to bear but weeks later I couldn’t get enough of her toothless grin.

I remember going to my first rally and it was a BIRTH event. Awesome!! I was able to check an item off my bucket list: attend a rally for something I believe in.

I remember our trip to the fair, which marked the end of summer. tLG couldn’t get enough of the fun houses, we all got funnel cake, and I managed to avoid the ferris wheel. Whoo Hoo!

I remember my little artist making history and putting her mark on a local mural project which will forever house the three precious little letters, SKB.

I remember catching caterpillars in the yard and watching them turn into butterflies. I had a spiritual epiphany watching our Maker take something creepy and crawly and turn it into something so different and amazingly beautiful.

I remember Mike getting promoted at Bass Pro right before his 1-year anniversary, which was a big goal for him.

I remember when MeMaw died. I felt some sadness but not the grief I anticipated. I am truly thankful she is in heaven and can’t wait to meet her there one day.

I remember my 2nd conference in Palm Beach when Skylar and Mike got to come with me. It was SO much fun! Granted, I was beyond exhausted when it was all said and done but a great trip, nonetheless.

I remember the fear and excitement that came with leaving one job for a better offer. It was nerve racking but I still think I made the right decision.

I remember that Skylar couldn’t decide if she wanted to be a pirate or a basketball player for Halloween so she dressed up as both.

I remember the day that I taught Skylar to draw a star. She was so proud of herself and drew them everywhere.

I remember that my girl developed quite a sense of style and I stopped trying to fight it. She puts together things that I wouldn’t but they work for her and her hip-hop style. To be honest, she looks adorable most days. Her go-to style item is her teal boots and she gets compliments on them everywhere we go.

I remember that Skylar loved hanging out on Saturdays. We would blast the music and clean, at her request. I think she’s more of a homebody than me. In fact, I know she is. It’s quite a chore to get her to want to go out.

I remember when we moved Skylar’s mattress into our bedroom since she kept ending up in there anyway. After that, she would randomly choose to sleep in her room and we would miss her.

I remember an amazing peace and contentment that came around Thanksgiving when I noticed how vastly different our marriage and our family dynamic was from the previous Thanksgiving. In fact, I would say that I witnessed a miracle over the last year. God is good!

I remember when my girl developed an obsession for karate that just wouldn’t stop. Bless her, the only thing she asked Santa for was a karate gi (uniform). Thankfully Santa knows how to Ebay.

I remember when Skylar left for Alabama for holiday break. The first few days were eerily quiet but I got frequent calls from the “Smitherman Repair Shop” and  knew she was having a blast!

2012 was the best year I’ve had in a while and I will cherish these memories forever. Thank you for allowing me to share them with you.

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