Family Update

May 2018 Family Update

Not a whole lot happened this month, aside from work, but I still feel like it flew by.

Skylar attended the sub-regional competition for 4H at the beginning of the month. Grandma and D-Dad were able to come see her presentation and Mike took off work. This was a big deal for our girl and she did GREAT! We were so thrilled for her that she got second place, which included a trophy! This was her first year in 4H and I simply could not be prouder of all she accomplished.


She’s also turned into quite the little entrepreneur. She decided that she wanted to go to several camps this summer but they are all pretty pricey. I explained that I would pay for 1 but she would need to earn the money for the others. She came up with the idea for these awesome rolled beeswax candles and she’s super close to earning what she needs for Camp #1. She even designed her own business cards, bought her first URL, and now has a website. You can place your order at The candles have been getting rave reviews and I’m so excited with her creativity and determination to acheive her goal!

We wrapped up our first semester of small group at New Tribe. I just can’t even tell you how much we have grown to care for those families. They are all precious and we have enjoyed every second of getting to know them better. We also had a church-wide family picnic last Saturday that was an absolute blast! Mike smoked 20+ pounds of meat and, I swear, it was the best I’ve EVER eaten! Aside from the yummy food, they had a huge water slide for the kids, a volleyball tournament for the adults, free Kona Ice, and so much more! I love Jesus with all my heart but living life with other Believers is a pretty awesome perk and a heck of a lot of fun!

Mike is settling in easily at his new job and he even traveled to Winston-Salem for a few days for a work-related event. Skylar and I held down the fort and for the first time in 13 years I actually slept while he was away. I am typically the biggest scaredy cat when I’m home alone. Always have been. This trip, I fell asleep quickly, slept soundly all night, and work up feeling amazing! Thank you, CBD oil! Oh, and did I mention I can now eat gluten again. Seriously, if you are curious about CBD oil, message me. If you are local, be sure to RSVP for this free class that I’m teaching on CBD 101 (limited spots available).

We are knee deep in grass cutting season again. Our grass seriously grows SO fast and there is a ton of it, but I’ve been able to listen to some really good books. I promised myself I’d listen to more non-fiction this year. I’ve recently been on a Bush Family kick. I listened to Sisters First and 41 and adored the both. I’ve also planted a few things in the garden like beans, peas, zucchini and corn.  My onion and carrot seeds didn’t germinate and I’m now on my second batch of tomato and pepper plants but they are coming along nicely. So far, the Back To Eden gardening system (Google it!) is working out really well. I haven’t had to water once any my plants are flourishing!!!

Skylar has been taking fiddle lessons since January but she recently made the decision to switch over to the ukulele. She’s actually really good at both (or so her teacher tells me) but she naturally leans towards the ukulele so it will be fun to see how she improves from here.

I’ve worked a couple of overnight postpartum shifts this month helping one of my sweet repeat families. Snuggling babies in the middle of the night is truly one of the best jobs ever.

I think that’s about it for May. Skylar leaves for camp in another week and our annual Summer Solstice party is quickly approaching. I can’t wait!!!

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