Family Update

September 2013 Update

Sometimes a month flies by. And then there are others that drag by. September seemed to take forever.
We spent Labor Day weekend with friends at their family bed & breakfast in Roan Mountain. I am not a mountain type of girl but we had so much fun on this trip. Even despite the rain most of the weekend.  The kids played so lovely and used their imaginations. They even set up a café upstairs and we were served many meals up there with great service by some cute little girls.  We took a 4-wheeler with us and roamed the mountain a little bit. Of course, I was fascinated by all of the herbs and plants that were there and super proud that tLG recognized and identified a few as well.  The highlight of the weekend was getting to sleep in a King sized bed. I know, I’m clearly old and now amused by the simple pleasures of life but when you can get a full night’s sleep without having someone’s knee in your back or arm across your face, it’s a good night indeed! I want one. Bad!

This was our last trip of Summer but I refused to yield to the Fall until after our annual trip to the State Fair.  We had a great time this year as always. Our girl was a roller coaster riding machine. We rode the Wacky Worm no less than 10 times and the giant slides were also a crowd favorite. My mini me likes to ride with her hands up, which thrills me to no end. The force is strong with this one.
 On the first official day of Fall, I still was putting up a fight so we went for ice cream. Because that’s how I roll.

We also attended the wedding of a friend this month. It was out in the middle of no-where and, I’ll be honest, I didn’t want to drive out there. BUT, oh my word, this was the quaintest, cutest, most perfectly planned and executed little wedding. The weather was gorgeous and that totally added to the afternoon ambiance. This wedding also miraculously managed to get my girl to wear a dress with zero fussing. Seriously, I didn’t even ask. She just did it. She kind of adores the bride, which I’m sure didn’t hurt. Oh, and the teal boots. They are back. I should probably tell the story of those soon. 

Other than those events, I’ve pretty much been working non-stop trying to get ready for our upcoming conference. I leave on Friday and return October 15th. So, if you have left me a message, sent me a text or email, hit me up on social media, or asked me to do something… chances are those messages and requests have gone ignored and will continue to be ignored for just a bit longer. It’s not that I mean to be a bad friend. I don’t want to be. Truly. I try to give fair warning that I can’t be counted on or trusted for these 4-6 weeks out of the year and I try to limit my life responsibilities so that I can focus on my 2 little peeps and work. Only. Because, in all seriousness, that’s all the days will allow. I never claimed that I was easy to be friends with. Even my hubby can attest to that. 😉 

I’ll be back in my standard form soon. And maybe, just maybe, I’ll get caught up before my next post at the end of October. Until then most of my days have been going a little something like this…

Be sure to check out more of our September by looking through our photos

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