Family Update

November 2013 Update

Our November started with the Fall Festival at Stanford. Being the PTO Secretary I was working the ticket sales table and helping wherever needed. I was thankful that my Mom and Rex came to visit that weekend and they tirelessly accompanied Skylar to various festival activities throughout the day. Otherwise, it would have been a pretty boring day for my girl.

Over the past few months, Skylar and I have been watching old episodes of 19 Kids and Counting. She loves it as much as I do and it’s a wholesome show that we can watch together. So, when I found out that the Duggar family was coming to Nashville, I just HAD to get us tickets. The event was a fundraiser for a pregnancy crisis center. The entire family was there including Grandma Duggar, Josh, Anna, and the grandchildren. They performed violin, piano, sang, and spoke. It was so cool to see them live and in person. Afterwards they did a book signing. It was pretty late so not all family members were available but we were thrilled to have our book signed by any of the Duggars.  Best of all, we were able to get our picture made with Jim Bob and Michelle. It made our night! I’ve since read both of their books and was even further impressed by their family. 
An important item to note is that my girl got her ears pieced this month. It was random as in I wasn’t expecting it at all. But, she said go and off we went. She chose a garnet colored pair, her birthstone. I was so proud of her. She hasn’t ever had any kind of shot or poke whatsoever in her life but she was as brave as could be. She said that it, in fact, did hurt but she never cried. She’s quite proud of her new accessories and I must agree that they look super cute on her! 
In some ways work has slowed down. In other ways it’s still busy as we try to get ahead for 2014. Mike was asked to move to the Marine department at work to fill the Team Lead position. The Boat department is terribly slow this time of year so this was a good move. It also gets him back into the retail part of the store, which will hopefully be a good move down the road as far as promotions are concerned. The only downside is that he looses his fixed schedule. The weekly schedule change is one of my biggest dislikes when it comes to retail. This type A girl likes routine and I like to be able to predict our calendar to make plans. For example, we had gotten into a pretty good date night routine on Tuesdays. We’ve even tried out a new babysitter who Skylar really likes. Guess we might have to figure out a new date night now.  
Skylar and I spent Thanksgiving in Nashville with my family. We ate good and also did our usual activities at Mom and Dad’s. I made a new Advent calendar in Mom’s scrapbooking room and I was able to squeak in a dusky dark ride on the 4-wheeler with my Dad before we left. Of course, I was also able to get my Milo’s hamburger fix. Skylar helped Yah Yah sew a matching Cheetah print scarf and matching blanket. Dad helped her learn to drive the 4-wheeler by herself. She still needs help shifting gears but she can drive and press the gas very well. While we were there, Skylar also got to meet the newest kitten. She’s such an animal lover!
That’s about it for November. December is shaping up to be crazy busy as usual. 😉
More November pics can be found here

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