Books,  Homeschool

[REVIEW] The Year of Learning Dangerously (Quinn Cummings)


The Year of Learning Dangerously
Adventures in Homeschooling
By: Quinn Cummings
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When I got serious about considering homeschool, I picked up this book out of sheer curiosity. I needed to know what I was getting into, and this book seemed that it would give me some realistic perspective.

The book chronicles a mom and her daughter’s first year of homeschooling in a time before homeschool was really in the spotlight, as it is now.

I related to this mom rather well. She seemed to be just as apprehensive as I was about my abilities to teach my child something academic. She also had a pretty good sense of humor, which carried throughout the entire book and made this a fun and easy read.

The part I most enjoyed was the manner in which she told the entire history of homeschooling. She also compared the various homeschool methods and approaches. I found this knowledge not only valuable but very interesting!

While this book chronicles many of their day-to-day challenges and victories, it also follows her “adventures” across the country to determine where homeschool has been and how far it has come. She did quite a bit of extensive and hands-on research, to say the least.

Another thing I loved was her carefree attitude. Like me, she was sold on the benefits of homeschooling, but she was bound and determined to make it as simple as possible. She found ways to have their everyday life count towards homeschool time, and I can certainly appreciate that.

Overall, I found this to be a neat little book that gives you 2 for 1. You’ll see the real life experiences of one family while learning about the history and current trends of homeschool at the same time. I’m betting you will laugh out loud, at least once, along the way too!

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