
REVIEW: Wild (Cheryl Strayed)

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Wild: From Lost to Found on the Pacific Crest Trail
By: Cheryl Strayed
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I have this really bad habit of choosing fiction books based on whether or not they will be made into a movie. This usually results in me jumping on the bandwagon late in the game but at least I know I’m gonna get a movie in the end. Back in January, I saw the book-to-movie guide for 2014. As I was scrolling through, I saw a picture of Reese Witherspoon and decided without hesitation that I would read Wild, simply because she was in the movie.

When I read the cover I was kind of intrigued and kind of bored. Wild is based on the real-life account of a woman with zero backpacking experience who sets off on a journey to hike the Pacific Crest Trail. Apparently this is a journey that would take her across 1,100 miles over 3 months. Seemed to me as if the story line could get a little stale over time. After all, hiking is laborious and monotonous, yes? But the movie stars Reese Witherspoon, so I read it anyway.

This book kept me engaged the entire time. Throughout her journey, she flashes back to the events that brought her here, and boy did she have plenty of troubles that pushed her in this direction. Between the flashbacks she details the ins and outs of her adventure and rarely were two days the same. She also shares the people she meets along the way and the kindness that was shown to her over and over. This part alone renewed my faith in man. There are indeed good people in this world.

Cheryl encountered a variety of situations along the trail. Obviously, she lives to tell the tale but I was constantly amazed at her ability to overcome whatever circumstance she was presented. She eventually is dubbed The Queen of the PCT and I can see why. This woman does not give up, which is surprising after learning the life experiences that brought her here. I would have quit a long time ago. Cheryl was on a mission to find herself and heal her hurts. I’ll be honest, I was skeptical that this rigorous vacation could be possible of such a feat. I felt certain it would beat her down even more, but something magical happens along the way.

I can’t wait to see the movie later this year! Wild is due to release in October. I’ll be interested to see how they weave in her backstory and pitstops in order to keep the momentum of the movie going. This is a big role for Reese seeing as she is the only main character who spends large chunks of time alone in the wilderness. I’m sure she will handle it beautifully, just like these pictures she’s been tweeting.

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