Art,  Homeschool

Basket Weaving

Basket weaving has forever been a joke often used in reference to college electives. Basically, it means you are goofing off but still getting college credit.

In our homeschool we totally have a basket weaving course. Except she really learns basket weaving. 😉

My mother-in-law is actually a pro at making baskets. She has made several for our home that we use on a regular basis. A few weeks ago she asked if tLG could come over for a few hours. She had found a pattern for a pencil holder that she wanted them to work on together. Sounds good to me!

I didn’t quite know what to expect but I was pleasantly surprised with what she made. Whether she realizes it or not, she was practicing math skills and art skills all at the same time. Hello. Patterns, counting, weaving, and handwriting (she signed the bottom). Plus, she got to spend some good, quality time with Grandma!

Not only was she proud of what she made but it turned out to be rather functional and super cute for our little homeschool room.


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