Family Update

February 2014 Family Update

February. In some ways there is nothing new to report, especially if you are a regular reader of this blog. Click the links below for details.

To recap our homeschooling highlights, we made it through our first month, went on two Field Trips, had a Valentine’s Day party, finalized our summer camp plans, and did our version of the book fair.

Mike is no longer working out of town and I’m quite thankful. We missed having him around and we’ve settled into our Family Bedroom again.

As for me, in two unrelated events, I quit dieting and got approved to go to Uganda!!!

As for this kid, she is seriously growing up way too fast. In both physical and mental maturity. I can hardly stand it.

Well, I suppose blogging on a regular basis does have it’s advantages. It sure made this update pretty easy. 😉

Until next time, click here for more February pictures!

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