Celebrations,  Homeschool

Last Day of School Traditions

We made it. We survived homeschool and 1st grade!!! Whew.

The funny thing is, I don’t feel like we “survived” at all.  It wasn’t really a struggle. In fact, I think it went quite well! Homeschool has definitely turned out to be easier than what we were doing before.

I made the executive decision for May 23rd to be our last day mainly because I’m from the school of thought (no pun intended) that school should NEVER go past Memorial Day. Even when I was going round and round with the school board about the “balanced calendar” I was adamant that I would not send my child back to school after Memorial Day. All of you folks with a Memorial Day hangover are nodding in agreement right now, aren’t you? So, this will be our cut off each year.

Now, that’s not to say that learning will stop but we won’t be doing formal school work at home. We are very much looking forward to Summer Reading and Summer Camp, both of which are fantastic learning opportunities.

tLG has been at a public Montessori school since she was 3 (pre-school) and every year there are certain traditions that we follow at the end of the school year. This year was no exception.

For starters, we “dress up” the car. It’s an idea that I started way-back-when and have continued it every since. It usually involves us pulling out of the school yard like blithering idiots crazy, summer lovers with horn honking, hooping, hollering and celebrating! We skipped that part this year but we didn’t skip the ice cream. Because, around here, we will use any excuse to celebrate with ice cream.

We also have a school’s out theme song. Although, between me and you, I always think of this song. Don’t judge!

Finally, I usually ask tLG a series of questions and document them every year for prosperity sake.

Teachers: Ms. Payne & Mommy
Friends: Carl & LaDarron
Favorite Work: Reading
Favorite Books: Fluffy & Baron, Because of Winn Dixie
Favorite Food: Burger King
Favorite Snack: Grapes
Favorite Game: Minecraft
Favorite Movie/Show: Mighty Med
Favorite Memory: Read 14 books in one day
Favorite Color: Black & Red
Favorite Song: Cruise
Future Career: Video Game Player (like Stampy)

I also document physical traits like height, weight, age, and clothing size. Then I usually write down some of my thoughts about the year. I’m still working on that part!

Overall, 1st grade has been good and we are looking forward to next year and having a complete homeschool year. For now, I’m off to finalize our Summer Bucket List!

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