
May 2014 Family Update

Lot’s of happenings in May as usual.
One of the biggest milestones to report is that Skylar can now ride her bike! Mike and I tried and tried to help her but she just couldn’t quite get it. Then, our neighborhood buddy Ledarron decided to give it a try. She was riding within 15 minutes. Go figure! And now she is doing this….
I also had a milestone this month and was baptized. You can read more about that here
May also meant that that strawberries were ripe. We went and picked again at Circle S Farms and then made lots of sugar-free strawberry jam. Yum!
Our own little redneck garden is also doing well. We’ve got lettuce, basil, rosemary, lavender, peppers, strawberries, tomatoes, onions, and potatoes. We even pulled out all of our shrubs and planted berry bushes: blueberry, blackberry, and raspberry. I love that we can just go out back and a pick a handful of whatever. 
We spent Mother’s Day out on the boat with the whole family. It was a great day and my little family loved on me in their own special way. Hubby took good care of me and tLG sent me on a scavenger hunt and made me a special waterfall house on Minecraft. If you don’t know Skylar, Minecraft is her love language. 
Mike is finally working again. After having him home for so long I wasn’t quite sure how the transition would go but we have all adjusted and he is enjoying his job at Towne Park. I’m thankful that the Lord provided this opportunity for him and it seems to be going great so far!
We finished our school year last Friday and did all of our usual end-of-the-year activities including dressing up the car. It really has been a wonderful semester at home and I’m looking forward to an entire year together for 2nd grade. Homeschool is definitely easier than what we were doing before, contrary to every fear that racked my brains for months leading up to the decision. Until then, we will be working on Summer Camp and summer reading
This past Friday, tLG and I hopped on a plane headed for Panama City Beach to hang with Mom and Rex for a few days. Skylar always looks forward to this trip. She’s had a blast so far swimming in the pool and collecting shells. Me? I just love kicking off summer right, with the beach!

Many more exciting things happening in June as we continue our summer fun including my trip to Africa! Stay tuned…

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