
First Day of 2nd Grade + Curriculum Choices

It’s official! Homeschool is back in session and 2nd grade is under way. This will be our first FULL year of homeschooling and I’m exited to be able to start fresh with curriculum, goals, and a vision for the year.

Last year, as promised, we gimped our way through the Spring Semester of 1st grade. That’s what happens when you suddenly decide not to return to public school during Christmas break. Now that I have a little experience under my belt and have attended a fabulous Homeschool Conference, I’m feeling more prepared to face the year ahead. We’ve worked out most of the kinks and I’m feeling a lot more confident in my ability to actually teach this kid something that will stick.

So, we kicked off 2nd grade much in the same way that we’ve kicked off a new grade in year’s past.

First, pancakes. 
Next, new school supplies.
And can I just say how much fun it was to just buy what we wanted and not have to stick to a boring list. 😉 
Finally, a classroom photo.

We also added a new tradition. We sat down together and came up with a list of “rules” for our classroom. We both contributed to the list and I think these are some good goals to strive for.

If your homeschool needs this list of rules, you can download the PDF here

tLG even dubbed our classroom “The Happy Homeschool” and oh, how I pray that it is indeed a happy year. I fully realize that not every single day will be happy but a girl can dream that at least the year as a whole will be happy, right?!?!

For those who are curious, we have chosen to stick with For starters, it’s free. It’s also comprehensive, yet customizable. You can pick and choose your subjects and topics. Plus, it includes a Biblical element. My favorite part is that it’s technology and game focused, which fits perfectly with my kiddo’s personality. It suits my budget and her learning style. BINGO! This year we will be studying…

Of course, I also want to focus on some life skills in addition to manners and character traits. More on those later. 
Our first day went really well and I think tLG would concur. Here’s to more good days in 2nd grade. 😉 


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