
July 2014 in Pictures

Be sure to check out our July 2014 Family Update. Lots of news to report!

Happy 4th of July!

 Jumping off the diving board!
4th of July fun!
 Showing some teens how to make #nYn lip balm. 
History’s Mysterys Camp at Traveller’s Rest Plantation
 My sweet girl excited about her decision to follow Jesus!
 Celebrating with ice cream, of course!
 Art camp at Clay Lady Studio
Some of my garden plunder!
Houston. We have a watermelon. Yay!
 In the mountain. In the river. 
Love everything about this!
 The hammock was a big hit!
More hammock action. Like, in action!
This girl hiked 2 miles with me (uphill) and never complained a bit. 
She’s awesome like that!
 Taking a rest after our long hike!
 All tattooed up thanks to Aunt Nita who sent us an entire book of them!
 Train ride with Daddy 
 Playing at the state park. 
 tLG made a new friend who likes to collect nature things too. 
He also likes Minecraft so they were destined to be buds. 😉
Until next month…. 

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