Family Update

November 2014 Update

November was thankfully very quiet and calm so there’s not a whole lot to report other than some random facts & events.

K-Diddy and Mimi came for a visit and were the first victims of our very own cockroach pranks, which is probably only funny if you know The Wilsons.

Skylar learned to finger knit and then tried to teach her Aunt Sheila via You Tube.

We voted. Then tracked the election results and called it homeschool. Because we can. And because it is. 🙂

We celebrated Veteran’s Day. With art.

Fall happened and it was gorgeous. Too bad it was promptly followed by snow.

tLG learned to cook spaghetti.

We visited Opryland to see the lights although Skylar’s favorite part is the nutcrackers.

The Bishop family went to Gatlinburg and tLG had a blast with her cousins.

I watched the Iron Bowl with a bunch of crazy Alabama fans & my mama. Roll Tide!

That about sums up November.

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