Family Update

January 2015 Update

Settling into life after Disney was ROUGH! It honestly took me several weeks to get back into the groove. I usually love the start of the new year but I felt really overwhelmed this time. Anyway, here’s the latest…

Upward Basketball.  Skylar absolutely LOVES this! I don’t think any of the girls on her team have played before but they are learning more and more every week. They have yet to win a game but it’s certainly not for lack of effort. Either way I’m thrilled to see the amount of teamwork and camaraderie that is happening in addition to learning and understanding the rules of the game. She has 2 great coaches who are both very encouraging and I am certain that has made a big difference! The first week I could hardly get her to do any school work. She literally just day dreamed about playing basketball all. day. long. It was so funny! I’m thankful that she has enjoyed it so much.

8th Birthday.  I reaaaally liked age 7 and I still can’t believe my baby is now EIGHT! We celebrated Minecraft style at a local archery range. I don’t know why but there are NO pre-made Minecraft decorations. No plates, no napkins, nothing. So, I spent several nights consulting Pinterest and coming up with our own party decor. I think everything turned out really cute and I guess it was worth all that work  – haha!

Looming.  tLG got a loom for her birthday and she has been making crafts ever since. In fact, she’s got quite the little business going on. It’s been great for homeschool. We have researched the different types of loops and how they can be used. We looked at the cost of supplies and determined how much she should charge in order to make a small profit and cover her expenses. We have talked about color combinations and patterns. Right now, she has a waiting list but if you want to order potholders (made from cotton loops) or coasters/scrubbing cloths (made from nylon loops) just let me know. They are $3 each or you can get a set for $5. Thank you to everyone who has already supported her in this venture. She is so tickled about this little “business” of hers.

Conference Planning. As for me, everything is pretty much routine. Although, I’ve also been helping to coordinate a birth conference that I volunteered at last year. I’m excited to be more involved in a birth-related event and this year, we have secured a venue in Nashville. In fact, it’s just a few miles from me here in Donelson. We have some exciting new things planned for 2015 and I’m super pumped about all of the amazing speakers and topics that are being offered. I’m giving away a ticket over at nurturing YOU naturally so go enter to win.

Reading & Journaling – I set a goal to read 30 books this year. You can see my reading wish list here. So far I’m on track much thanks to cold nights that leave me snuggling under the covers drinking Crockpot Peppermint Hot Chocolate. Most recently I finished Every Bitter Thing is Sweet (only $2.80 on Amazon right now), which has inspired me to start journaling every single day. I’ve been writing about once a week but I have a lot of thoughts to process these days and writing it down has helped me to make sense of them. And now my girl has decided she wants to journal every day too. Monkey see. Monkey do. Gosh, I love her times a million!

That’s about it for January. I’m doing well on my New Year’s Resolutions. Basically, we are just trotting right along. Happy New Year everyone!

More January pics here.

*Amazon affiliate link included. 

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