Family Update,  Homeschool

April 2015 Update

April was pretty dismal. And wet.

I’m excited that the sun is now setting late into the evening and am looking forward to it getting later and later. In just a few short months it won’t get dark until almost 9 pm. That’s my prime season! A few night’s ago tLG called out and said “Mom, come quick! I have a supriiiiiise for yooooou.” She showed me this beautiful sunset and I melted into a big ole puddle of happiness. 1) Because I love the sun. 2) Because God makes the most beautiful sunsets. 3) Because my kid gets me and realized that gifts aren’t always physical things you can touch.

At the end of March, I implemented several new things that I learned at the homeschool conference and this month we really got into a groove. We have a new daily schedule that has been beneficial. I did go ahead and start the new Apologia Science curriculum that I bought and we. are. LOVING it so far! My girl still claims that she wants to work with marine animals and this book has her (and me) learning some amazing things about sea life. We also implemented Rapid Recall Math and I would like to continue this over the summer. 

I also did an experiment to see if I could grocery shop just once for the entire month. I’m super excited to say that this worked great and I’m excited to try it again in May.

On Earth Day we did school outside on the roof. It was a beautiful day and the birds were chirping really loudly. Now, I can’t quite get the kid off the roof. She goes out there to read and bird watch quite often.

This weekend we are headed down to Bham to meet my brand new little nephew.

That’s about it for April. I’m so excited that we only have a month left of school!

Click here for more photos.

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