Family Update

March 2015 Update

From the beginning of the year I just kept telling myself, “you just need to get through mid-March and things will settle down again.” Whew! I made it. Also, Spring is here! Glory, hallelujah!

The Lord has really been pressing on my heart to say “no” more often. This is quite difficult for me. I always have something in the works. It’s very hard for me to just relax. In fact, I have had to say “no” to some really fun and exciting things and while I haven’t enjoyed that part, I know it’s for a reason. But here’s a quick look back at March…

First there was snow. As you know, I am not a fan of snow especially once March has arrived but we built a snowman anyway. Then promptly stabbed him in the heart and I felt much better.

The Empower Your Birth conference was a HUGE success (video recap)! I was so proud to be a part of something conferency and birth related. It was a combination of one of my passions and all of my skills rolled into one and the feedback our team received was phenomenal.

Basketball season has come to an end and Skylar’s team celebrated with pizza. They also received trophies and awards. It was no surprise that tLG received the award for Most Energetic. I am so thankful that her 1st experience with Upward went so well. Her coaches were fantastic and her team bonded in a really powerful way. It was really rewarding for me to watch her gain friendships and confidence.

I was SUPER excited to attend the Teach Them Diligently conference again this year. I felt much more at ease this time after having a year of homeschooling behind us. I did a much better job of picking sessions and learned SO much. This event is all about encouragement and I soaked it up! My biggest take away from this year was seeing how differently my child learns from how I learn. I couldn’t wait to implement some new tips & tricks and so far things are going great! Next year, the conference is March 17-19 and Kirk Cameron will be speaking. Save the date! 

To top off the month, this past weekend my girl got baptized! We had family come in from out of town to celebrate with us and I couldn’t be more proud of her. She did a great job and I was thankful to have had an up close view of the whole thing. 

We are looking forward to Easter and warmer spring temperatures, and, as much as I hate to admit it, I’m looking forward to not having any looming projects.

Click here for more photos! 

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