Family Update

November 2021 Update

Early in the month, I popped down to Bama to start working on cleaning out my mom’s scrapbook room. This was one of our most favorite places to hang out with her, creating and crafting. She had so. much. stuff. It was like a mini Michael’s or Hobby Lobby in there. A good bit of it went to family and friends. Several things went to a local preschool. The other items will be donated. I found several “treasures” while I was there – handwritten notes and such – but I still need to make another trip or maybe 2 to finish up.

While I was in town I also got to meet baby Chloe at her first birthday party and see my niece and nephew. We had so much fun hanging out by the fire pit telling “spooky” (not really) stories and making smores.

Skylar had a camping trip this month at Buck Toms. It was pretty cold but she’s a hardcore adventurer, loves camping, and her troop! She’s getting ready to go to Winter Camp next month where it’s pretty much guaranteed to below freezing at night. She’s also starting to collect the gear she needs for backpacking-style trips. She has plans to hike the Appalachian Trail before she graduates.

Hockey is going well on both the playing and coaching front. Her little 6U team is coming right along with their practices and the JV team she plays for is doing well this season. She also passed her referee exam and is excited to add that to her resume.

2021 was our year with Mike’s family for Thanksgiving (every other year) and we had a blast! Destination Thanksgiving is always a trip we look forward to. We were in Fort Morgan, AL and had amazing weather – especially on Thanksgiving day. I was out walking the beach and finding Yah Yah shells. Our beach house was a great set up for the 14 of us who were able to go. During the week we finished 6 puzzles, which is one of my favorite parts. We also did mini golf, bowling, and geocaching (Mike’s team won!) Food was incredible, as were the sunsets. I love everything about the beach!

We had put up our Christmas tree up at home before we left for the beach so we are all ready and eagerly anticipating Christmas! When we got back there were frost flowers waiting for me, which is such a neat phenomenon that happens on our farm every year when the temps drop into a hard freeze. We also hit up the Dancing Light show at the fairgrounds so we are definitely in the holiday spirit!

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