Family Update

March 2018 Family Update

Mike and I kicked off the month attending the Symphony where they dedicated the entire evening to songs by Frank Sinatra. We had awesome seats close enough to read the sheet music and we both enjoy Sinatra but we spent the entire night being entertained by the conductor’s facial expressions. Ha!

We also found out this month that there is a cave here at the BFF. It was tight so there was a lot of mud and a lot of trust involved but we were pretty proud of ourselves.

Skylar and I attended the Teach Them Diligently Conference for the 5th year this month. This time I spent the majority of my time in the vendor hall, which is a drastic change from my first year. We have absolutely loved unschooling this past year and I greatly enjoy purchasing whatever items that I know will interest Skylar or just seem to catch my eye. It’s so much less pressure yet results in so much more learning. This year I also opted to skip the childcare program and instead put her in robotics camp, which was fantastic! Then, I got to meet Ken Ham and had him sign one of Skylar’s books. She flipped out! She thinks he’s awesome. In fact, on the first night we had to sit on the very.front.row. to hear him speak. 

My sister in law took her kiddos to the Chattanooga Aquarium for their spring break and graciously allowed Skylar to tag along. She had a blast! For our Spring Break, our girl went to Birmingham, where she spent a week with various family who kept her busy sewing, shopping, movie watching, Easter egg hunting, and cave exploring. Mike and I enjoyed a little mental break and we finally saw The Greatest Showman. The soundtrack is my new Saturday cleaning music.

In case you’ve been following along. It’s a month later and Metro Stormwater still hasn’t finished our driveway but they did manage to get the sidewalls put up. Now we wait for steps 3 & 4, blacktop and grass seed. Maybe by summer. LOL! And then we can finally put up our real mailbox. Bless.

In other news, our garage that we built back in November finally got approved by the codes office this week (another looooong story) and we also reached a settlement with the insurance company from our rollover accident from last July. These things had really been weighing on me and stressing me out. I’m so thankful to have them off my plate. Big answers to prayer!

Next week we are headed to DC. Hope everyone has a Happy Easter!

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