Family Update

May 2015 Update

School is out for summer! Can I get an Amen?

At the beginning of May, me and tLG ran away for about a week. Sometimes when life gets messy and overwhelming, you just need to get the heck out of dodge and run away to Sweet Home Alabama. It was just what I needed. I also got to meet my brand new nephew. Baby snuggles are always good for the soul. And sunsets at the Circle S Ranch. And the smell of honeysuckle and fresh cut hay. And good food. I could go on and on…. Eventually, I started missing my Nashville Home Sweet Home so we came on back.

Mother’s Day weekend was awesome this year. I got the one thing every mother craves. ALONE TIME. Mike kept Skylar out and about all day Saturday, which allowed me to chill out and get some cleaning done uniterrupted. On Sunday morning, I got breakfast in bed (complete with a Dr. Enuf). After church he took her over to his parents house to celebrate with them and I laid in bed and read.

If you aren’t jealous yet, you……

A) probably aren’t an introvert
B) have never tasted Dr. Enuf
C) hate to read
D) all of the above

because, trust me, it was like the best gift ever!

We wrapped up our school year on May 22nd and Mike took Skylar camping. We usually take a big trip to celebrate the end of school but this year Skylar went straight to Grandparent Camp. It’s one of my most favorite weeks out of the summer because I get to clean and purge and organize the whole house! Yes, I’m type A. I do not deny this. I embrace it!

We have a rendevouz spot with the grandparents that’s half way between Birmingham and Nashville. After the drop off, it put us pretty close to Decatur, AL on the same weekend as the Alabama Jubilee. I’ve always wanted to go to a hot air balloon festival. It was kind of a bucket list thing. The weather was a little too windy to allow them to fly but they were able to still hold the nighttime balloon glow, which was beautiful! We got to see them set up in the daylight and then light up once the sun went down. It was like the best of both worlds, all things considered. Other than seeing the balloons, it was fun to just sit in the shade and chat and walk around through the arts & crafts. I think we will definitely have to take Skylar back with us next year. 

This past weekend, my little redneck garden got an upgrade. Mike helped me install a new rain barrel and I was pleased as punch that it rained on the same day and filled up within 30 minutes. To be honest, I’m a little late getting my garden going this year but it’s because I was saving up to invest in gadgets like the rain barrel. A compost bin is next on my list! But I do have a few little green things popping out. It’s such a joy to watch it all grow and definitely my favorite hobby!

That’s about it for May. I’m super thankful that summer is here. I already feel more relaxed! For more pics from May, click here.

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