
May 2015 In Pictures

For the full May update, click here
This kid LOVES raspberries! It’s one of the main reasons we now have a raspberry bush in our front yard. 
Circle S – Hay field before cutting.
 Skylar loving on Baby Colton
 I love snuggling and baby whispering.
 Skylar & Cinderella
 Dusky dark. My favorite time of day in Alabama.
 This kid. She knows how to cheer me up.
 Bfast in bed and Dr. Enuf
 Teeny, tiny, itsy, bitsy grapes. 
At the Alabama Jubilee.
 Balloon GLOW!
 A head of Romaine lettuce, ready for harvest
 My new rain barrell! So excited about this!!!
Skylar visiting Uncle Fletcher’s cabin with Yah Yah. 

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