Family Update

October 2015 Update

In early October, I was excited to learn that I won tickets to the Southern Women’s show from Duggar Family Blog. Jessa & Ben were doing a Q&A session on Saturday afternoon. This girl will travel anywhere within reason to meet a Duggar so we jetted down to Birmingham for the weekend. It was a super fast trip. I literally think we were only in town for about 36 hours or so but we managed to see my mom and help her with some baby shower decorations, get in a 4-wheeler ride with my dad, meet Jessa & Ben, and camp out (Skylar’s request).

We also were lucky enough to score Preds tickets this month and we took tLG to her first hockey game. She loved it!

We intentionally held off on Fall Break until the end of the month so that Skylar could go on a week long adventure with her Grandma, D-Dad, and cousin Avery. They had a blast! We didn’t even hear from her for the first 5 days but thankfully Grandma sent us regular pictures and updates. The highlights for Skylar included the Seacrest Wolf Preserve and Gulf World but they also did a campus tour of Auburn University & Tyndall Airforce Base, saw Goosebumps, hiked the Cypress Pond Trail, and enjoyed plenty of swimming.

She was lucky enough to get picked to help the trainers during the Otto show at Gulf World which was practically a dream come true since she claims she wants to grow up to be a dolphin trainer. Check her out…

While she was away I worked on some massive projects including the complete redesign of the nurturing YOU naturally website. Here are some “before and after” shots. I’m so pleased with the way it turned out. It’s much more sleek and mobile friendly and hopefully will result in a busy 2016! I’m already enjoying being back to doula work so much. I’ve been posting updates regularly to Instagram if you want to follow along. @nyn_doula 

BEFORE – Bottom
AFTER – Left

We spent Halloween with our tribe of people trick or treating and watching football. All the ladies brought various soups which were delish and I also made crockpot chocolate lava cake. YUM! This year I dressed as Emma Swan, which was my pop culture nod to our new favorite show, Once Upon a Time.

Tonight the clocks roll back an hour, which means I turn into a hermit for the next 4 months. See ya in March. Just kidding. We have way too many fun things planned between now and then. 🙂 But, between Home Chef (Save $30 on your first order) & Amazon Subscribe & Save I don’t really have to get out for much these days! Bring on winter. Let’s get this crap over with….

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