Family Update

February 2017 Update

Houston, we. have. a. house!

So much of February was a TOTAL blur. If I had to sum it up in one word it would be painting. We painted our booties off and there is still more to do. I’m here to tell ya, painting an entire house is not easy. We’ve painted ceilings, floors, baseboards, windows, trim, shelves, and more! At this point, I would say we are about 85% done with painting. The big thing left is doors.

The first 2 weeks of February were a mad dash to finish up all of the logistical details to get us ready to move in. We literally had windows being installed the day before our storage containers arrived. It was a tight crunch and I was barely sleeping but we moved in 6 weeks ahead of my original timeline and 2 weeks ahead of my contractor’s original timeline. Boy, it was a whirlwind but I honestly enjoyed every bit of this process. I’m already trying to talk Mike into letting me buy another one to flip just for fun.

Can I just say how thankful I am for our moving crew!?! They were a tremendous help. We were giving ourselves 3 or 4 days to get everything in and transferred over but our peeps had us ready to sleep here and completely out of our in-laws in just 2 days. It was amazing! Not only that, but they built us a firepit as icing on the cake. Even our sweet new neighbors chipped in and fed our little village of helpers. We appreciated every single person who was here that weekend!

Aside from putting up some handrails to make the codes department happy, we are all moved in and LOVING our new home. It has proved to be perfect for us in every way! There really isn’t a single thing I would change. Granted, we have been living in a bit of flux while we waited on furniture to arrive but it got delivered yesterday so we finally feel like we can really settle in. Now comes the impossible task of decorating. My Mom is coming up this weekend to assist.

As I reflect on the past 2 months, it really has been amazing to watch the transformation of this house and I couldn’t be more pleased. You can’t really appreciate how far we’ve come unless you saw it (and smelled it, ewe!) in it’s original condition. I can’t wait to finish phase 1 and start day dreaming about future projects at the Bishop Family Farm. It’s really hard not to want it all done right now.

I wish I had some good before and after pictures for you but I doubt you want to see my boxes and bare walls. Once we get the decorating under control, I hope to start posting some final pics soon. You are not even going to believe the difference!

Even though we’ve only been here for 2 weeks, I’m already starting to love this side of town. Remember when I said I would never live near Providence? Never say never. Turns out I have almost anything I could want within 5-10 minutes of the house. Plus, there is an awesome little Dollar General, I kid you not, 90 seconds from my front door. Score! Even better is that Shipt still delivers to my new address and Amazon has made a package drop almost daily. Yep, I think we are gonna be just fine “out here.”  ?

Click here to view more February photos.

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