Family Update

July 2022 Family Update

July was a bluuuurrrrr! The BFF was under contract within 24 hours of being on the market, which made the first domino fall. We moved 22 days later. And ya girl drove a 26′ box truck.


Before things got too crazy, I popped down to Birmingham for our annual 4th of July celebration. I got to spend some time with Faith (my cousin’s daughter) who was visiting from Texas. She is an absolute delight! We took all the kiddos to the creek (a tradition) and I got to snuggle the twins. It was a quick trip because I had to get back for house stuff but it was a good visit!

There are about a billion steps to prepping a home to sell, preparing for the inspections and appraisals, in addition to the packing and moving. Downsizing from farm life also brings its own set of challenges. And on top of all that, I didn’t know where I was moving until 6 days beforehand. Stressful is an understatement. P.S. I had the highest grossing month in my business EVER and one of my assistants was on vacation for 2 of those weeks. I literally do not know how I survived July.


The only thing that really kept me going was knowing my girl was coming home from camp after 8 weeks away! Thankfully, Aunt Shannon, Sierra, and Avery went to pick her up for me. I was big jealous but also immensely grateful. This summer, Skylar’s whole world changed. When she left, she was living in one house and when she came back she was living in a different house. And because so much has changed for her, she went directly to counseling the first week she was home. She loves it! This generation gives me so much hope! Plus, Lantern Lane Farms for the win!

When Skylar got home, she slept for about a week straight but I did get her up to go to hockey practice and scouts. Yep, we hit the ground running with her activities as soon as she was back. I know she had a great time at CRM (and boy have I heard about a million stories) but she says she definitely missed being on the ice! This year she will be playing again for Brentwood Academy but there’s also a new girls travel team in Nashville and she will be on the 19U team at age 15.

At the new house, we worked to get the living room, kitchen, and Skylar’s room situated first. Next was the bathroom and my bedroom. We still have the bonus room and office/guest room to go. We have gotten really good at furniture assembly! One of the most important things for the new place was for it to have a fenced-in backyard for the dogs. Both Ace and Onyx really seem to like that feature too. It’s a pretty decent-sized yard where they can run around. The dog park is also just a 3-minute walk and access to Mundy Park walking trails are directly across the street. It really is a primo location!

Ace is currently doing a board & train program with Heather Pope and having a fantastic time! I needed him to develop a certain level of chill and some manners if we were going to successfully transition him from farm life (all he’s ever known) to subdivision life. He will be there for 3 weeks but she assures me he’s doing smart work and learning so much!

Stay tuned to see how he does when he gets home and to see if we ever get out from under all this cardboard.

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