
April 2017 in Pictures

 Special Treats from Uncle Bennie
 Crafting Day in Bluff Ridge
 Lego Mini Build
 Muscadine Jelly with Aunt Sheila
Finished her quilt 
 Our 1st day of getting 6 eggs!
 First Lake Trip
 Oh how we love being on the lake with our buddies. 
 Hanging outside on Easter
 Love my sweet little family!
 Made me so happy to find all the cousins hanging out and playing in the living room. 
 Grandma & D-Dad and all the kiddos!
Skylar & our neighbor heading to the greenhouse to check their seedlings. 
 We had a hard rain and ended up with a lake in our front yard. Metro Water is coming this month to spruce up our storm drainage. 
Skylar & Max are big buddies! 
My girl racked UP at Field Day!

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