
Super Special Juice: a natural cold & flu remedy

I’m still getting messages from you guys who are loving my “special juice” concoction that I created back when Skylar was 2 years old. In fact, y’all have lovingly named it “super juice” so I will now refer to it as….

Skylar’s Super Special Juice

It’s super easy to make as long as you have the ingredients on hand. I recommend having these natural remedies in your cabinet year-round. February is known for being the peak of flu season, so stock up now.


 Here’s how you make it.


• 1 Dropper Colloidal Silver
• 1 Dropper Astragalus / Echinacea
• 1 Tablespoon Elderberry Syrup (check out this DIY recipe)



Alternatively, you could put the first two ingredients in a shot glass with apple juice and give elderberry gummies instead.


How To Take It


We use special juice particularly in times of illness. The sick person takes this concoction 3-4 times a day. Anyone else in the house starts taking it preventatively 1-2 times per day.


If you are looking to help prevent cold & flu symptoms, check out these natural immune boosters.



Here are what some of you have said about my “super juice” concoction.


We have put the special juice to good use already since school started! It is so effective & quickly!!


On Monday he woke up crying because his throat hurt so bad. So to the dr we go. She gives him a strep test and it comes back positive ? we get sent home with antibiotics. So I give him a dose of meds and your concoction of “super juice”. The one with colliodal silver, echinacea, and elderberry syrup. He woke up this morning saying his throat didn’t hurt at all ???? now remember just a few short months ago I didn’t have the “super juice” and he was sick for an entire week. This time, it’s only one day ??????????????  


My 20 yr old renamed it miracle juice.


I hope this easy natural remedy helps you and your family recover quickly. Let me know if you tried it and it worked for you.



The information contained in this post is not intended nor is it implied to be a substitute for a professional diagnosis or medical advice. When in doubt, consult your physician.

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