June 2020 Update
The BFF has had some exciting things happen this month.
The most exciting announcement was the official launch of BFF Tree Services. This is something that Mike has always enjoyed doing and he certainly has had plenty of opportunities to put his skills to work helping us and others over the past few months. It’s been 4 months since he was “furloughed” and we still haven’t heard from his previous employer so we decided to move forward with plan B and I couldn’t be more excited! If you have any tree work that needs to be done – cutting, chipping, land clearing, firewood – give Mike a call.
We’ve also tackled a couple of other big projects at the BFF. We finally took down the old shed and the carport. A new and improved carport is coming soon! We also have plans for an exterior office for me in the near future.
Per tradition, we held our annual Summer Solstice Party. Attendance was much lower than normal because of COVID, which we expected and totally understood. However, it was kind of nice to have a more intimate gathering of friends and family. We debuted “The Cove” which is a lovely spot that Mike cleared out for us near the back of our property. There is a nice path through the woods that ends in a wide clearing under a canopy of trees. There’s a camping spot, firepit, and several large boulder rocks to sit on and/or eat. We love it!
The garden is doing so well this year. The new fence we finished last month has done a great job keeping out the riff raff (I mean, wildlife). We are still getting tons of lettuce and now the zucchini and squash are starting to come in. We have tomatoes on the vine and should have okra soon.
Skylar is super excited that her troop is finally meeting in person again. She was NOT a fan of virtual. She was also able to go on a campout and repelled from a 60′ tower. At the end of the month at Court of Honor she received a Messenger of Peace Award, Textile and Mammal Study Merit Badge. In addition, she received an invitation to join Order of the Arrow, which is an honor society for scouting. She had to do a lot of work to meet the requirements in her first year with the troop but we are so proud of her!
Mike and I also managed to sneak in a date night for the first time in 3 months. We went to Oak Steakhouse and it was so very yummy! Later in the month we went to our friends’ wedding. Both were a great opportunity to get dressed up and get out of the house. We’ve been home a lot – not that I mind. haha!
We celebrated Ace’s 1st birthday on June 15th. It was so neat to see how all of the puppies have grown over the past year. I’ve been able to track down all of them except Blue. Ace is now well over 70 pounds so we are super curious to see where he tops out at. He still has a ton of energy but he really wants to be a good dog. Skylar adores him!
That’s about all for June. We’re heading to Alabama next month for our annual 4th of July trip and Skylar will be heading to summer camp. Cheers to summer!
P.S. If you are looking for a good car, we’ve got a special one for sale.

May 2020 Update

July 2020 Update
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