Family Update

July 2021 Update

We spent the 4th of July in Alabama with my Dad per our usual. Dear old Dad is a little OCD about his driveway rocks and we’ve been not-so-secretly kidnapping one or two every time we come to visit. This time, Skylar had the idea to take the prank to a whole new level. We decorated the drive with rainbow rocks and I don’t think I have ever laughed so hard. He’s since decided that he likes them and wants more “driveway jewelry” so we are now scheming up the next part of our prank.

Skylar started a little wash-n-fold laundry business and it’s off to a great start! We were contacted by a large AirBnB owner who has 60-70 pounds of linens each week. It’s a great little part-time job for her that can be done at home and it’s also honing those entrepreneur skills. I love it!

I’m super excited to announce that I’m now a contributing writer for Mount Juliet Lifestyle Magazine. It’s been fun to get back to writing and the topics I’m covering have been such a great fit so far. I’m also enjoying meeting the amazing people and businesses right here in our community.

Skylar missed “home” so much that she begged incessantly to go back to Camp Rainey Mountain. They have a LAUNCH training program for 13-14 year olds. She applied and was accepted so we loaded her up dropped her off for 2 weeks. This camp is in the middle of nowhersville a couple states away and the cell service is slim. She was only able to text me every couple of days and I was having to take deep breaths about it. Our girl was “invested in” and “rewarded for excellence” during week 1, both of which are rare. During week 2 she was a guide for a female troop attending camp and she also taught wilderness survival (her fave!). Basically, she had the absolute time of her life and is now begging to go back and staff for the full 8-weeks next summer. We are so proud of her but I can’t fathom being without her for 2 whole months! She is such an adventurous and brave girl but darn this growing up business.

We did discover a cute little AirBnB in Clayton, GA that makes for a great overnight stay while we are doing drop off and pick up duty for camp. This little town is also home to the Foxfire Museum. I’ve been on a mission to collect all of the books so this was a fun find.

Our precious neighbor, Mr. Biggs passed away suddenly and unexpectedly last month and Mike was a pall bearer at the funeral. It was such an endearing service and incredible to hear about his life before we knew him. Mike shared his thoughts and they are spot on. Mr. Biggs was missed immediately.

Before the month was out, I welcomed another doula baby in the wee hours of the morning and will be helping out as an overnight baby nurse for this family in the coming weeks.

School starts back next month and I can’t even fathom that we are starting high school. Lawsy mercy. I’m not ready.

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