Family Update

November 2022 Family Update

We started off the month celebrating a new holiday, Dia de Los Muertos. The more I travel and learn about other cultures, the more I’m open to embracing things I was closed off to before. I think this tradition is a beautiful way of honoring those who have passed before us. I created an ofrenda on our fireplace with all of the customary examples of the elements – earth, wind, fire, water – along with photos and items from my family members. I spent time thinking of and remembering them. It’s a tradition I hope to continue as I learn more.

Paula and I had tickets to see Jen Hatmaker when she was in Nashville. We stopped by Nectar Cantina and had tacos on the way promptly followed by adult sippy cups of wine at the show. She reminded us that even when your life seems to completely derail, your immediate responsibilities are to ask for help, take radical care of yourself, keep dreaming, and don’t lose hope! And that sums up how I survived 2022.

Skylar and I went to an informational tour of Cumberland University and she’s seriously considering dual enrollment for next year. It would be a great opportunity for her to get a head start on college credit. She could still continue to play lacrosse for Wilson Central and her tournament hockey team.

We had our first deep, hard freeze and I was able to find frost flowers. Tons of them. It was really a profound moment and I wrote down several life lessons that I took from the experience. It’s such a neat phenomenon that only happens once a year and I’m so glad I was able to catch it.

Skylar and I popped down to Birmingham for Thanksgiving real quick. We loved seeing everyone and having a chance to hold all the new babies. We also stopped by the cemetery to put out new flowers for Mom and Ken. Aunt Sheila gifted us with two beautiful quilts that I’m so excited about.

The leaves finally fell off the trees but that’s not stopped me from back porch sitting. But the night time temps are getting cooler so I know my days are limited out here.

Back home, our tree and decorations are up and we are ready for December!




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