April 2023 Family Update
Lots of lacrosse games in April. It’s nice that Skylar can drive herself to practice but I do like to go to all of the games and we certainly drove all over Middle Tennesse this month. Skylar is still the starting goalie and doing really well especially considering this is her first year to play. She’s also made some good friends on the team!
We popped down to Birmingham before Easter for a quick visit and I also got to meet and snuggle Baby Gunner. Aunt Sheila also sent me back with fresh eggs, jelly, and salsa. For Easter, Skylar gifted me a gorgeous candle from Midnight Candle Company. It smells divine and also has crystals inside the wax. I’ve been making a point to spend Sundays in bed when I can and that candle is the perfect touch.
I got the newly re-released MoviePass and I’m excited to go to the movies again. Skylar and I saw Air together and I’m looking forward to several new movies coming out this summer that will be great to watch in the theatre.
Skylar has taken an interest in film photography and purchased a Canon AE-1 Program film camera. We popped downtown one Sunday so she could do some architectural photos and we also went to the Frist with Ben to see the Beatrix Potter exhibit but I loved the Jeffery Gibson exhibit best. The floor-to-ceiling fringe structures were amazing!
Skylar finished up the year at LFA and manged to bring home the class achivement award for both Geometry and British Literature. We lovingly refer to it as stupid, dumb words class. Skylar got off to a rocky start with that subject and I really thought we were going to have to drop the class. But she liked the teacher and decided to stick it out. I’m really proud of her perseverance and hard work!
This month I also finally got back on my reading kick and I finished a puzzle. Since February I haven’t really been able to focus enough. My mind and anxiety were a bit all over the place but I finally finished 2 books this month. It’s something that I really enjoy but I’ve had a hard time with non-fiction, which is usually my fave. It generally requires more brainpower and that was not something I’ve had any extra of lately.
I also gave myself a full day of self-care at the end of the month. Coffee, massage, hair, chiro, ice cream, IV drip, gardening – basically the works. I’m having to remind myself that I’m safe and loved. This healing journey can be tough work but I’m already feeling better knowing that summer is right around the corner. I’ve already been enjoying the back porch quite a bit.

March 2023 Family Update

May 2023 Family Update
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