Family Update

August 2021 Update

The first 2 weeks of August were all about the Olympics. I LOVE THE OLYMPICS, especially the summer games, and I had to wait a whole extra year for this one. While I enjoy all of the sports, Beach Volleyball was our favorite this year. Skylar and I watched every single match for “The A Team” (April Ross and Alix Klineman) including our own little viewing party to see them win GOLD. Tom Daley and his knitting was not an official sport but we loved watching him too!

I spent several overnights helping a new little fella get his days and nights sorted out. I do love snuggling newborns. Between the Olympics, doula work, and raising a teenager, being on #TeamNoSleep is just part of the season we are in right now.

We had a little bit of drama this month when our chickens decided to venture over to the subdivision next to us. We ended up getting called out on the Next Door app a couple of times. Like I can control where a chicken decides to roam. I threatened to make them dinner. In the end, I’m keeping them in the coop until they start laying in hopes that will keep them close to home. We’ll see. I don’t do drama.

This year the state fair was combined with the Wilson County fair, which was super exciting. We had a blast eating our way around with friends and visiting the exhibits.

Even though Skylar was home from camp, she was still on the go. I think it was towards the end of the month before she spent a Saturday at home. She worked an OA event one weekend as a part of the Ceremonies team and earned Brotherhood. She also earned her Star Scout Rank with her troop. She’s getting really close to starting the Eagle process. Later this month, she took an interest in learning to sew on the machine and she’s doing great. Here’s a project she made to hold all of her art pencils for tutorial.


I can’t believe that she has started high school. It’s not like 9th grade snuck up on us it’s just that I wasn’t ready for school to start back in general and high school is a whole new ballgame. Skylar is taking Algebra 2, Art, and Physical Science this year. Our tutorial is finally meeting in-person again which is a plus! While she’s at school, I’ve been hanging out at my favorite coffee shop and either working or chatting with whoever shows up. They have a new drink called the Lumberjack that I absolutely love for fall!

Mike and I celebrated our Sweet 16 Anniversary by having dinner at Sperry’s Restaurant and it was very yummy! The next day my friend Michelle stopped by to visit from Orlando, FL. We had such a sweet chat and I was so thankful to see her. What a treat!

As a side note, I’ve been struggling quite a bit with my faith. It’s kind of been a slow progression for a couple of years but it all kind of exploded over the summer. I have grieved and questioned and cried over it. I’m not in a great place emotionally and my spirituality has a lot to do with it. Life in general just feels overwhelming right now. I’m reading and researching a lot and just trying to take things one day at a time.

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