
Portable North Pole

We just let Skylar watch her video from Santa via the Portable North Pole. The service is free and it allows you to customize it for your child with pictures and personal info. I customized hers with pictures from our beach vacation and Disney. I also had Santa remind her to be nice and to work harder at listening to her parents. 😉

She is big into Santa this year and this was icing on the cake for her. I love watching the amazement in her eyes. She was also super impressed that Santa knows she wants an Easy Bake Oven. Check! 🙂
Mike and I have talked a lot this year about the whole Santa thing. I do love the “magic” of it but I’m afraid that it takes away from the real meaning of Christmas. On multiple occasions, especially while gift wrapping or commercial watching, I have to remind Skylar that “It’s not about you!” Then again, I kinda feel like the gimme, gimme is just natural at this age.
I think we are going to start to phase out Santa next year. In the meantime, I think Santa is a decent behavior modification tool, and timely too! During this time of year, I’ll talk all the help I can get, fiction or not. The PNP video certainly has our little girl thinking. She told me several times that she is going to try harder and harder and HARDER to be nice and good. LOL! I think this was just the push she needed to bring us into the homestretch.
After the video, we crossed off another tree on our Christmas Countdown Calendar. Only 3 more sleeps…

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