Grace-Based Parenting By: Tim Kimmel
December 22, 2010
I’ve started reading a new book.
I’m pretty sure this book recommendation came from Gentle Christian Mothers but, at this point, I’m not 100% positive. I requested it from the library a while back and it has just come in so there was obviously some demand for it.
I liked the book from the very 1st chapter because it made me laugh. It gives an example of someone trying to put a puzzle together
1) without the border pieces
2) with random pieces from another puzzle thrown in
3) without the box cover.
Welcome to the Parenting Puzzle!
Yes, yes, yes! This is exactly how I feel sometimes as a parent.
I’m looking forward to reading this book and I’ll keep you posted on what I think when I’m finished with it.
Turns out that this book is available (in its entirety) from Google Books so there is no need to wait on it like I did.
Grace-Based Parenting By: Tim Kimmel
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