Advent and Legos
Christmas,  Faith,  Homeschool

Doing Advent and Legos With Purpose

We are about to start our 4th year of doing Advent and Legos and I am just as excited as I’ve ever been. This little tradition is something that we both look forward to, so I’m glad I figured out how to do it with purpose!

Back in 2016, we were living with our inlaws while doing a complete gut and remodel of our little house at the BFF. Mike was working days. I was gone overnight doing postpartum work plus managing my VA business. Life was hectic to say the least. I still wanted the season of Advent to be meaningful for my then 8-year-old, but I needed something QUICK and EASY! There would be zero Pinterest creations and nothing that needed to be planned out or purchased in advance.

My kiddo is a kinesthetic and auditory learner. This means she retains information more effectively when she hears it and also when she’s moving. We’ve used legos in our homeschool learning before. It keeps her hands busy while I’m reading to her. Each year, Lego releases a variety of themed “sets” which contain 24 mini builds. The idea is to build one per day leading up to Christmas. All of the pieces for each day’s build are packaged together and are tucked behind a perforated opening. It’s like getting a micro present each day.


I decided to pair the Lego Advent Set with a read-a-loud and this book quickly became my favorite. Advent Devotions for Busy Families was JUST what I was looking for. It’s no muss, no fuss. The stories for each day contain fun facts, a meaningful application, a short prayer, and something catchy to help you remember the lesson. There are also patterns for paper ornaments but we have never used those. I have found the devotions to be a good reminder, even for me, each and every year.

Here’s how it looks at our house. I read while she builds. The whole process takes less than 5 minutes. The end.

Doing something meaningful and impactful for the Advent season doesn’t have to be an elaborate or long affair. It definitely doesn’t have to be perfect. It doesn’t even have to be solemn. I’m a firm believer that kids learn through play so if you want something to STICK, you better make it fun. We can still be purposeful in the goal of preparing our hearts, even with Legos on board.

The Lego Advent Sets are as low as $19.99 and the devotional is around $13, but you’ll only need to buy it once. This year I went all out and bought the Harry Potter Advent set, which is just as much for me as it is for her. LOL!

I hope this will encourage you to make this tradition a part of your family. My daughter is now 12 and still loves it. My hope is that we will continue to do this for years to come!

What special December traditions does your family have?

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