• A FLOOD of Memories

    See this mosquito? This is my every day flood reminder. Why? Well, she flew into our house on the night that our neighborhood began to flood and never left. It took me a few days to finally understand that she…

  • Back to the Mat

    Remember when I pledged to exercise twice a week? Yeah, well, I kinda fell off the wagon. I got distracted by work and that got me out of the habit of going. Yet, here I am 3 months later and…

  • Goodwill $21 Trip

    I had to dig around to find some things on my last Goodwill trip. I didn’t go in looking for anything in particular so it took me a while to decide what part of the store I really wanted to…

  • REVIEW: Pregnant In America (Documentary)

    Overview I was recently able to watch Pregnant In America and I cannot say enough positive things about this documentary. I honestly wish every expectant mother and father in the U.S. could watch it. It exposes some very interesting pieces…

  • ♪ Let’s Go Fly A Kite ♪

    I don’t remember ever flying a kite as a kid. That’s not to say that I didn’t but, if so, I don’t remember it. Over the weekend, The Little Girl flew a kite for the first time and so did…

  • My Little Fashionista

    In the last few weeks my 4-year-old has become VERY opinionated about clothes. This was a hard pill for me to swallow since I have been choosing her clothes day in and day out for so long. Let’s not forget…

  • The Sun

    This morning I prayed and asked the Lord to show me that He was with me today. I want to practice being more aware of His presence in the every day, little things. I climbed out of bed and into…

  • Our Favorite Easter Traditions

    I’m a girl who loves traditions. They help you to know what to expect and mark the passing of time. I also love how traditions build in something to look forward to. Easter is quickly approaching and my family will…

  • Worst School Photo Ever?

    Pretty hideous if you ask me. I can’t decide whether I should ask for my money back or keep it for some sort of future blackmail sentimental value. Take note of the pink socks and cheesy pink ballerina necklace that…