• Basket Weaving

    Basket weaving has forever been a joke often used in reference to college electives. Basically, it means you are goofing off but still getting college credit. In our homeschool we totally have a basket weaving course. Except she really learns…

  • Origami for Kids

      origami giraffe and ball My girl has been interested in origami for quite some time now. This fascination has been going on for about a year. She loves the idea of making little animals and what not. Mostly cranes…

  • Glitter Ain’t Welcome Here

    Confession: If my child brings home art from school that contains glitter, I throw them away. I hate glitter. Actually, I LOATHE glitter. I can’t possibly understand why this craft accessory was created. It.Sticks.To.Everything. And the things multiply. I swear…

  • Art is Good for the Soul.

    The little girl had a rough week. Sometimes, as a mom, you just have to break the cycle of bad with a little good. I knew she was in need of some TLC. She LOVES (huge understatement) art, so we…

  • Today: Preschool Crafts on Snow Day

    Today is snow day number one million. Seriously, I have honest to goodness lost track at this point. My poor girl is going to be stuck in school until 4th of July (kidding). Anyway, school was closed today. Again. This…