• BE THE CHANGE: School Shootings

    Be the change you want to see in the world.  The most recent mass school shooting sent my head spinning. It wasn’t the tragedy so much as the one million opinions on Facebook on why this happened. The blame game,…

  • August 2016 Update

    August can pretty much be summed up in one word:  O L Y M P I C S Oh goodness, do I love me some Olympics! We kicked it off with our favorite friends and an Opening Ceremony Party complete…

  • What is a Virtual Assistant and Why Do I Need One?

    What is a virtual assistant? A virtual assistant is a skilled professional ready to tackle a variety of projects as defined by you. It’s like having a personal assistant who’s already trained to know what you need so they can…

  • My Favorite Day of the Year

    It’s back. My favorite day of the year. Many folks could easily claim Christmas or their birthday or anniversary the best day of the year. Not me. It’s the start of Daylight Saving Time. For several weeks I’ve been enjoying…

  • Why you should NEVER ask a woman if she is pregnant

    *Disclaimer:* I needed to get out some emotions and frustrations today. However, I do think this is an issue that needs to be addressed. Feel free to skip to the Public Service Announcement at the bottom. Just doing my part…

  • REVIEW: Pregnant In America (Documentary)

    Overview I was recently able to watch Pregnant In America and I cannot say enough positive things about this documentary. I honestly wish every expectant mother and father in the U.S. could watch it. It exposes some very interesting pieces…

  • The Sun

    This morning I prayed and asked the Lord to show me that He was with me today. I want to practice being more aware of His presence in the every day, little things. I climbed out of bed and into…

  • Our Favorite Easter Traditions

    I’m a girl who loves traditions. They help you to know what to expect and mark the passing of time. I also love how traditions build in something to look forward to. Easter is quickly approaching and my family will…

  • Breastfeeding in Tennessee

    Did you know that you can nurse your baby anywhere you want at any time you like in the State of Tennessee? You can. Nursing in public is protected by law. Isn’t that great?!?! Well, until they reach 12 months…