• What is a Virtual Assistant and Why Do I Need One?

    What is a virtual assistant? A virtual assistant is a skilled professional ready to tackle a variety of projects as defined by you. It’s like having a personal assistant who’s already trained to know what you need so they can…

  • Work At Home: Medical Transcription

    I often get asked about legit work at home opportunities. I did medical transcription for 5 years before moving to my current job. It provided the income and flexibility that I needed to stay home with our daughter through infancy…

  • Work From Home: Medical Transcription

    Updated post (2014) can be found here.I get lots of questions about my job. I think most mommies would work from home if they could but it’s hard to find a legit work-at-home gig. I knew before we had our…

  • Working from Home (guest post)

    I get asked about my “at-home” job all the time. You know, the paid one. 🙂 Today I had the opportunity to write about medical transcription, how I got started, and my favorite perks. You can view the full post…

  • I’m not a bad speller but my fingers are.

    I misspell things a lot but it’s not my fault. I blame it on my fingers and my job. See… At work, I use a text expander. A text expander allows me to type just a few letters of a…

  • My Salute to Working Moms

    This week is shaping up to look a lot like last week where I’m working darn near close to full time hours. Granted, I am at home but my (paid) job means SOLID hours of work. I don’t have one…

  • Work, Work, Work

    This week I have been SLAMED with work! One of my accounts is preparing for an audit and they have been sending a lot of dictations. At last count, it was 143 files. The saving grace is this is my…