• September 2017 Update

    September was kind of a blur. We popped down to Bham for my step-brother’s wedding on the way to the beach. Hurricane Irma kind of dampened the first couple of days but then we had fantastic weather and shell hunting,…

  • August 2017 Update

    August was crazy town. After the car accident last month things went a little bezerk. For someone who is a homebody it sure felt like we were going somewhere every single day. And I was not a happy camper. Between…

  • August 2017 in Pictures

    Be sure to read the full August update here.   Me and my girl went to see Little Mermaid at TPAC.  It was just the motivation I needed to start driving again.   And when you go to TPAC, you also…

  • July 2017 in Pictures

    Be sure to check out the full July Update here.  4th of July Celebration with Mimi & K-Diddy  So excited to visit with my Bham bestie! All of the princesses  When the kid is in Bama…  Hiking with Angie &…

  • July 2017 Update

    Lawsy. July has been a doozy of a month. We started out with our annual trip to Birmingham to celebrate the 4th of July with my Dad and Skylar stayed behind for Granparent Camp. This year she asked to stay…

  • End of Year Memory Book

    Don’t mind me. I’m just over here being all sentimental. Yes, again. I may have mentioned this a time or two before, but I’m not a fan of that darn growning up business. We just wrapped our last year of…

  • June 2017 in Pictures

    For the full June 2017 update, click here.   Getting her hair cut. Donated 12 inches. Her 2nd donation.   Bunk mates at camp!   Crazy kiddo having a blast at camp!   Lake life!   A little homemade decor from the BFF!  More DIY…

  • June 2017 Update

    Summer is here! Yay!!! We celebrated our first summer solstice at the BFF and it was amazing! We invited over our family, friends, and neighbors for a pig roast and it was so much fun! It was such a delight…

  • May 2017 Update

    We made it another year and school is officially out for summer! Unlike previous years we didn’t limp across the finish line. Instead we coasted easily to the end thanks to our new approach to homeschool. To celebrate the end…

  • May 2017 in Pictures

     I’ve been updating the flower beds at the BFF using pavers and rocks we’ve found around our property.  Looks SO much better!  For Mother’s Day, Mike got me these awesome rain/muck boots in my favorite color!  Sweet sunset at the…