• July 2015 Update

    JULY…. After our beach trip at the end of June we hung around Birmingham for a few more days through the 4th of July weekend. They had some bad storms a week or so prior to our trip so we…

  • 3rd Grade Curriculum Choices

    I can’t believe we are about to embark on our THIRD year of homeschooling. We are changing things up quite a bit as far as curriculum goes and I can’t wait to get started. We tinkered with the “workbook method,”…

  • June 2015 in Pictures

    Click here for the full June 2015 Update.  Summer Camp Field Trip  First Tennessee Park  At the Sounds Game  Saturday morning fishing with Daddy  On our way to GiGi’s wedding  Rope Braid  More adventure sleeping. This time in my closet. …

  • June 2015 Update

    This month I had the chance to visit the new ballpark in downtown Nashville. I really wanted to dislike the new park because I didn’t think Nashville needed another one. But, I LOVED it! The layout and design of the…

  • May 2015 In Pictures

    For the full May update, click here.  This kid LOVES raspberries! It’s one of the main reasons we now have a raspberry bush in our front yard.  Circle S – Hay field before cutting.  Skylar loving on Baby Colton  I…

  • May 2015 Update

    School is out for summer! Can I get an Amen? At the beginning of May, me and tLG ran away for about a week. Sometimes when life gets messy and overwhelming, you just need to get the heck out of…

  • April 2015 in Pictures

    To read the full update, click here. TDF Easter Egg Hunt  Our neighbor took tLG to play at Grand Ole Golf. And because she bought her a sno-cone, said neighbor is now the best ever!   When you take the hard…

  • April 2015 Update

    April was pretty dismal. And wet. I’m excited that the sun is now setting late into the evening and am looking forward to it getting later and later. In just a few short months it won’t get dark until almost…

  • March 2015 Update

    From the beginning of the year I just kept telling myself, “you just need to get through mid-March and things will settle down again.” Whew! I made it. Also, Spring is here! Glory, hallelujah! The Lord has really been pressing…

  • March 2015 in Pictures

    Click here for the full recap. The Lady Cougars So proud of this girl! Penny Simkin signed my book!!!   My kid drew this for me.   And then I made this for her. 🙂  Loving the warmer weather! And being…