
Meal Plan & Prep

I love being able to get ahead of the game and today I decided to prep our meals for the rest of the week.

Tonight we are having CrockPot Sweet N Sour Chicken. I tossed all these ingredients in the crock pot and chopped up the peppers. All that’s left to do on this one is adding the peppers & pineapple and cooking the rice about 30 minutes before dinner time.
Tomorrow, Mike and I have a date planned so dinner needs to be ready quickly. We are having Chicken Swiss Bundles. You need frozen bread dough for these, which I didn’t have so I decided to make my own Easy Yeast Rolls. I actually let my bread machine do all the work. All I had to do was roll them out and stick them in the freezer. I halved this recipe which still gave me enough for tomorrow’s dish + 12 extra rolls. I also roasted the red peppers and then peeled them. Finally, I shredded a block of swiss cheese. Tomorrow, all I should have to do is cook the chicken and combine them.
On Friday, we are having Cajun Pork. I went ahead and cut the meat (that I got on sale at Publix today) and chopped the veggies for this dish. It’s another entree that cooks in the crock pot. It looks like snow again for Friday (which means school will be cancelled), so it’s nice to have this dish already started.
The last two recipes came out of the Dec/Jan 2011 edition of Taste of Home Magazine that my mother-in-law got for me. Mike usually goes through it and puts a star next to the meals he would like to try. Each week I flip through and try to incorporate those recipes into our meal plan. I gotta tell ya, it’s a great magazine!
What’s for dinner at your house?

One Comment

  • Carrie G

    Love Taste of Home magazine and I need to renew mine. I also want to get the Kraft one as well.

    Tonight is Potroast, carrots & potatoes in the crockpot

    tomorrow is going to be baked chicken spaghetti from the MOPS cookbook.

    Friday – pork loin that was on sale at kroger in the crock pot with veggies

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