
Today: Shopping, Meal Prep, Linens, Mooommee

Today went a little something like this…

  • Wake up. Check email, FB, and Google Reader while still in bed.
  • See this deal, hop up to go view it and purchase on my laptop.
  • Shower
  • Wake up The Little Girl, dress her, fix her hair and brush her teeth all while she is sitting on the potty. I know, I’m very talented. 🙂
  • Fix her lunch while she eats bfast and then head out the door.
  • Swing by and pick up B then drop the kiddos at school.
  • Go straight to Publix, shop. Shopping there really IS a pleasure.
  • Stop at Goodwill and get sheets. See a bunch of things I really want to buy but put them back because $ is tight this week.
  • Drive home. Consider stopping to get car washed then remember that more snow is coming. Ugh!
  • Dinner prep for the rest of this week’s meals including making bread dough, roasting and peeling peppers, chopping onions, grating cheese.
  • Pack up items for the Food for Fines library drive. I owe almost $7. Gasp!!
  • Heat up a bowl of chili for lunch. So much better as leftovers.
  • Check e-mail.
  • Write this blog post for Coupon Queen Diaries.
  • Start the blog post you are reading now.
  • Create a button for my new blog.
  • Pick up kiddos from school and drop B to his Grandma. I tried to convince him to come home with us but Grandma had promised they would build a village in the living room. I can’t compete with that.
  • Come home, strip linens and start a load of sheets (including the new ones).
  • Play Cinderella’s castle.
  • Request The Lion King from the library at The Little Girl’s suggestion.
  • Start rice to go with our Sweet N Sour Chicken.
  • Serve & eat dinner. The hubs said it was G-O-O-D. Score!
  • Start watching Sleeping Beauty.
  • Mike’s sweet tooth is craving cake so we pause the movie and bake a cake. We also made homemade icing.
  • While waiting for the cake to cool, I stick The Little Girl in the tub and put clean sheets on her bed.
  • Listen to her yell MooooooMmmmmEeeee for no reason at all. I ask her to please not say my name for 3 minutes. She does not oblige this simple request.
  • I put another load of sheets in the wash.
  • I wash, dry and blow dry my dear daughter.
  • Cake is ready. Yummy!!!!
  • Read 2 books, bedtime prayers, snuggles, hugs and kisses.
  • I go eat another piece of cake. Mwuhahaha. 🙂
  • Hubby is watching Criminal Minds so I decide to come finish this blog post.
I have no idea what time any of these events occurred. Some days (like today) are just a blur. I’m only aware of 7:30 a.m. (when we leave for school) and 2:30 p.m. (when I leave to go back to school). The rest just gets scrunched in the middle.
The rest of my night will probably consist of reading a chapter of The Purpose Driven Life and a new Nicholas Sparks book I started, The Lucky One. Hopefully, I’ll get to have a little pillow talk time with Mike before we drift off to dreamland. Our little talks at the end of the day are often my favorite part.
Oops, one more thing. I also need to pack up my car with books that I am taking to McKay’s tomorrow. It’s my first time to ever go but I hear it’s really neat. Here’s hoping I get some big bucks for my books.
How was your day?

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