Parenting,  tLG

Snow Day Snuggles and Conversations

Today is snow day #…. well, I’ve lost count. Snow days throw our schedule out of whack and I don’t like not having my routine. However, on snow days I sleep until Skylar comes and climbs in bed with me (still well before 7 am). On mornings like today we get a chance to snuggle in the warm bed and have conversations like this.

Skylar: Mommy, will I still fit into your hand when I grow up?
Me: Probably not but we can still hug.
Skylar: Will you still love me when I grow up?
Me: Yes, of course I will.
Skylar: Will Dad?
Me: Absolutely.
Skylar: Mom, I love you.
Me: I love you too sweetie.
Skylar: Does Jesus live in a ball?
Me: Ball? Um, no.
Skylar: In a heart?
Me: He can live in your heart if you ask Him.
Skylar: Mom, did you pray last night before you went to bed.
Me: Yes, honey, I did.
Skylar: Did Dad?
Me: I’m not sure but you can ask him when he gets home. Did you pray before you went to bed?
Skylar: Yes.
Me: What did you pray for?
Skylar: My rocket and my doggie.
:::::::::::::::: pause::::::::::::::::::::
Skylar: Mommy, you are beautiful. Do you like being beautiful?
Me: Well, I guess, yes but everyone is beautiful.
Skylar: Am I beautiful?
Me: Yes, you are beautiful.
Skylar: Is Bryce?
Me: Yes, he is beautiful.
Skylar: Bryce is handsome! Boys are handsome and girls are pretty.
Me: Ok, that sounds good too.
:::::::::::::::: pause::::::::::::::::::::
Skylar: Mom, I love you.
Me: And I love you!
That’s how my day started and I wouldn’t trade it for any amount of non-snow days.

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