REVIEW: The Lucky One (Nicholas Sparks)
January 26, 2011
Nicholas Sparks is one of my favorite authors. I’ve read all of his books, though I’m a little behind at the moment. I think I started reading him in college and he has continued to pump out book after book. Besides, the man just has a knack for writing books that turn into screenplays. Currently, seven of his books have been adapted to movies.
I can see why The Lucky One was no exception.
Logan Thibault is a marine who recently came home from Iraq and has basically walked across the country to find one, specific woman. There’s a lot of mystery in the beginning as you meet certain characters and learn Thibault’s back story but, by chapter 4 or 5, their lives start to intertwine.
I love that Nicholas Sparks leaves just enough hints along the way for the reader to start putting the puzzle together on their own. He eventually spells it out but I like reading a book and picking up on the clues in advance.
Basically, Thibault finds a random picture of this woman while he was on duty overseas and his friends start to suspect that this photograph is some sort of lucky charm. It certainly seems that our main character fares better than his fellow marines during his 3 tours in Iraq. Namely being that he survives.
Once he finds this woman, the story is just getting started. She’s a teacher but her family owns a local dog kennel where Thibault conveniently finds a job. Elizabeth is single mom with an ex-husband who is a real piece of work. Thibault doesn’t come right out and tell her that he’s come all this way to find her because even he is trying to figure out what the purpose was. As with any good Sparks book you can see where their relationship is headed. Nice Guy + Attractive Woman = Love Story.
Thibault also has to determine how much he actually believes in the power of the photograph. He actually gives it to someone else just days before the town floods. I was on pins and needles (and ferociously reading) to finish this one. I knew that a tragic accident was brewing considering that the family business sits right next to a huge river now at flood stage. Her son also has a rickety old tree house that sits above the water. I just had to know if these two would get their happily ever after or if the absence of the lucky charm would mean doom for him and everyone around him.
Guess you will have to read it to find out too. 🙂
Or you could just wait to see the movie, but the books are always better. Speaking of, I was thrilled to find out that Zac Effron is playing the lead. Here’s a sneak peek photo from the movie. It’s in production now and will be released in 2012.

Me and Murphy Made it Snow
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Michelle Wilson
Sounds great! Did the flood disaster give you the heebie jeebies?
Robert and Hannah
I have a love/hate relationship with Nicholas Sparks because I do love me a good love story but I hate being sad, and Sparks loves to kill off his characters after he gets you all nice and attached to them. Haha!!