Family Update

April 2012 Update

This month started with Skylar on Spring Break. We went to see the new show at Nashville Children’s Theatre, Click, Clack, Moo – Cows That Type, which was fabulous! Mike also took Miss Priss fishing a few times. Like, real fishing. My nonsleeper had no problems with getting up at 4 a.m. In fact, on the 2nd trip, Mike had intended to go alone but she was up and at ’em before he could get out the door. Stinker! She did really well and they even caught a few fish. Later in the week, we headed down to Alabama for a little visit. Just a few days before our arrival, one of the barn cats had given birth to a litter of three kittens. To say that my girl was absolutely smitten, would be a huge understatement. She talked about them nonstop and wanted to go to the barn every day, multiple times a day, to hold them. She even dreamed about them at night. I definitely have an animal lover on my hands. Luckily, the mamma cat was very gracious and allowed us to hold her babies and conveniently waited to move them until after we headed back to Tennessee.

Our visit also coincided with Easter weekend. I didn’t think this would be a big deal at all but tLG was none to happy that we were missing the egg hunt back at TDF. I was a little sad that we weren’t going to be there either but tLG was downright mad. I had promised her not one but TWO egg hunts in Alabama. She didn’t care. I had no idea that she would be an “egg hunt snob.” We did get to spend the day with my friend, Michelle, and her two girls at the Grace Life egg hunt. Skylar had two buddies to play with, eggs galore, bouncy slides, and balloon animals. She found this to be an adequate substitution. Whew! Note to self: Do not travel out of Nashville on Easter weekend!

Speaking of Easter, we drove back on Saturday night so we could spend the holiday at home. We went to church that morning and spent the afternoon with Mike’s family. We had a dinner and did a little egg hunt for all the cousins. It was a busy few days.

In the midst of all this Spring Break traveling, I was working to get ready for my conference in San Diego. The event went fabulously and I’m pleased with how everything turned out considering it was my first big event with this company. It was neat to see how all the details came together after months and months of planning. I’m actually typing part of this update from the plane after spending 7 days at the beautiful Hotel del Coronado. The thought of having to make my bed again is kind of disheartening but the idea of being able to SLEEP in my own bed tonight makes me downright giddy.

I did get to sleep but the weekend was still jam packed. Our lovely neighbors got married on Saturday and the wedding was so beautiful. Skylar was a sweet little bell ringer. Mike was an usher and played in the band. I did good to get us all primped, dressed, and there on time so I maintain that my role was equally as crucial. 🙂 We are absolutely thrilled for them and very excited that they decided to rent her house and reside in the house next door.

In other minor news, the garden is in for this year. It’s mainly herbs with a few tomato, pepper & strawberry plants. Otherwise, that’s about it. School winds down next month and I have about 8,000 things I’d like to get accomplished before the madness of the summer schedule ensues. Until then, don’t forget to check out our monthly update via photos. Oh and there is a new video posted too.

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