Family Update

May 2012 Update

May was insane. In more ways than one. First, I was still trying to recover from my trip to California and also catch up on everything that got pushed to the wayside while I prepped for that conference. This included general chores around the house but also taking Skylar for her Kindergarten physical and first dental appointment. She’s lost 2 teeth so far and there is a 3rd one hanging on for dear life. Her six year molars came through unannounced. One day, they were just there. Her new permanent teeth are also poking through. The poor child has a tiny mouth just like her mamma and we have no idea where these new teeth will go. I’m thankful to have found a pediatric dentist who is just fine with the wait and see approach as I’m not anxious to start pulling teeth any time soon.

This month I also did Skylar’s spring photo shoot before it got too hot. She’s not exactly a fan of having her picture made but I thought we did pretty good, considering. On Mother’s Day I was treated to breakfast in bed and tons of cards and art work, which was a huge change from last year. This year, I actually felt appreciated. Maybe it’s because we were just two weeks post conference where Mike had to be Mr. Mom for a week. 😉 Either way, I rather enjoyed being pampered even for just one meal. We spent the afternoon at the air show and finished the evening with dinner served by “the guys” in Mike’s family. So, essentially, I didn’t have to prep or cook TWO meals in one day. Score!
Some of the year-end activities included Spring Fling at Magnitude gymnastics. At Stanford, we had Field Day and Author’s Tea. The tea was really fantastic. Parents (in this case, me and Grandma) are allowed to come in and the student has a chance to show off their art work and the stories they have written to go along with it. It was very similar to the Tiger Tale she brought home a few weeks ago, except that she had painted the pictures and had typed the stories. The teachers did a nice job of displaying the student’s work. The art program is called Power of Pictures and that is part of the Montessori philosophy. I suppose now would be a good time to remind you of how much I love Stanford and how much my daughter loves art. It’s a great combination! 😉
Skylar struggled a little bit with the end of the school year. I think it was a combination of things but the biggest was spring fever. I can’t blame her. I was secretly counting down the days too. We celebrated the end of the year in our typical fashion meaning that I “dressed up the car” (Skylar’s term) and we went for ice cream. This year, we also celebrated by re-stocking our art supplies. Since the last day of school was on a Thursday, we continued our summer tradition by going to the lake the very next day. The lake is my happy place. It’s the closest thing I can find to a beach in Nashville. It will just have to do and I make the most of it.
It’s unreal how thrilled I was to see the end of school come. Mike says I am oozing summer happiness. I’m a lot more laid back in summer. Sure, most weeks are a struggle as I figure out how to squeeze in my work schedule and still keep Skylar entertained but I just LOVE summer. Plain and simple.
Stay tuned for next month. It includes our annual “School’s Out for Summer” trip and our 1st (hopefully annual) Summer Solstice Party!
Don’t forget to check out our May photos.

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