Family Update

August 2012 Update


That pretty much sums up August. My girl started Kindergarten on August 1st. I’m still sad that the summer was so short but Skylar is off to a good start this school year. Everyone (including me) wondered how I would deal with this milestone. Surprisingly, I wasn’t sentimental about it all. Part of the reason is because I’m on the PTO board this year and that little commitment kept my mind very busy for the entire week surrounding the big day. Also, this is actually her 3rd year at Stanford and her 2nd year in the same classroom with the same students and teachers so it wasn’t all that “new.” Exciting? Yes! tLG was thrilled about going to Kindergarten. As far as multi-age classrooms go, she is now one of the oldest in the class. Kindergarteners also have more perks, more opportunities and more responsibility, which makes my girl happy. The only thing that is truly “new” for this year is grades but I haven’t seen any yet so I can’t comment on that aspect. We did find out a few weeks ago that Skylar was tested and is eligible for the Encore program at her school, which starts in a few weeks. I’ll keep you posted on how that goes too but I think it will be good for her. Between PTO meetings & events, fundraisers, and open house we’ve had a school function almost every week this month.

Now, as much as I wasn’t sentimental about starting Kindergarten, I’ve cried real tears over her loosing her front tooth. I have no idea what the difference is. Most likely, it’s the fact that teeth are a visible change. There’s also the fact that she was braver than brave and could have cared less about pulling it. She. Didn’t. Even. Flinch. I don’t like all this growing up business. I remember anxiously anticipating each and every milestone and wishing she would do them sooner rather than later (first tooth, rolling over, crawling, first steps, first words). Yeah, I want to go back and replay those moments in slow motion about now. Hmpf!

This month I also helped another doula client, which went fantastic. I have another client due any day now. I really love doula work! My conference planning work is also picking up quite a bit. We leave at the beginning of October for another event so it’s getting to be crunch time. I’m trying to figure out a way to tie together my passion for birth with my event planning and organizational skills. That would be a dream job!

This month Mike and I celebrated our 7th wedding anniversary. Hard to believe we’ve been married that long. I’m sure seven will seem like a blip on the radar when we’ve been married 47 years (I just did the math on that and 47 years of marriage will make me 73 years old. Mercy, I hope I make it that long). We celebrated with dinner and a trip to the gun range. Probably not a typical anniversary date but it works for us. 🙂

Skylar also started her extra-curricular activity for this school year. She had a hard time deciding between soccer, karate, and dance. She FINALLY decided on dance. Oh my word. I seriously thought we were going to have to break out a pros and cons chart. She really had to weigh it all out before choosing. However, she didn’t want just any dance class. It had to be hip hop. Let me tell ya, I had to search high and low for a studio who will teach hip hop for 5-year-old girls but I did. She absolutely LOVES her class! Watching is hysterical. My poor girl has zero rhythm. Nada. But, she loves her class, she thinks her teacher hung the moon, and she’s getting exercise and learning coordination. Mission accomplished!

My mom was here visiting this weekend and she and Skylar had fun together. I personally was sorry to see her leave since she was all to eager to clean and wash dishes. 🙂 Plus, I got an interrupted morning of shopping. For me. That was nice!

I still can’t believe summer is over. Stay tuned to see what we’re going to be up to this fall.

Don’t forget to check out our August 2012 Pictures.

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